(no subject)

Paul Callender ( klicco@ihug.co.nz )
(no date)

Has anyone ever looked at this article? I've gone through it with a fine
tooth comb and it seems to fall in sync with many of my ideas. My only
query is the haggle over what exactly Tesla's longitudinal electricity was.
Currently it seems the consensus is that the waves were scalar in nature,
but I've been out of the loop for some time now.

Has anyone seen this article from Extraordinary Science with the
illustrations on building an RC (magnetic current) device? I live on the
opposite side of the world so getting info is a problem. Any kind souls
with a scanner and a copy of this article?

To cut a long story short I believe that if this magnetic current does
exist it may be able to provide aether manipulation effects when run
through coil configurations commonly used in AC circuits. Magnetism has a
strong following in the overunity and antigravity areas. If magnetism is
the primary effect in wires with the E and B fields swapped as claimed with
magnetic current we may have a form of electricity that manipulates the
aether very efficiently, which would also explain why overunity seems so
illusive using AC electricity.

In the Extraordinary Science article it talks about electrons and protons
flipping axis as a result of this magnetic current. I'm sure the result is
the same in the end. The sub atomic particles (protons electrons) pump the
aether and cause antigravity like keely. The correlations from all this
information seems too strong to ignore.

Going back to keely's method I often wondered if one could take an educated
guess and use a setup that 'scanned' through the appropriate frequencies,
(making sure they were sustained long enough) taking a periodic weight
measurement and see if anything anomalous appeared. I've often thought
about trying something like this just for fun, but I know next to nothing
about sound mechanics or Keely's work.

Of course once you have antigrav effects from a few watts of sound, you
also have free energy situations too.

I agree with Jerry that we are close. We know what we are looking for and
what causes the effect, we just need to take the plunge and start some

Paul Callender