Re: All Vortex phenomena are Clockwise?

John Berry ( )
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 17:16:03 +1200

I remember reading that a clock wire swastika (opposite to that used by
nazi's) was said to have a luck charm effect (an asian thing), I guess this
causes your energies to be sucked away from you and into the world so your
thoughts of good luck turn into real good luck, reminds me of the note in
the pyramid thing, well the other thing is that putting a note in the fire
had the same effect, they are males expansive energies.
clockwise etc...

and putting a note in a freezer stopped the thing from happening

cold is female energy
counter clock wise.

The cross parts of a swastika is clearly the same as a caduceus coil and
other crosses, cross geometry's (related to the recent post jerry made on

Just as well the nazi's used a CCW swastika, must have been their undoing ;)

so male if you want the thing to happen, female if you don't. (female if
your sick, but if your not growing, or have a wound that is not healing (and
not infected) then males expansive growing energies)

now how to transmit balanced energies?

guess you need a fine balance between the two forces, makes me think of the
delicate balancing of rock stacking, maybe it is more than just pretty to
look at.

John Berry

"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> ...Frank Hartman sent in the following information regarding the true
> spin direction of all vortexes;
> Sensory Illusion - There are many illusions that are commonly
> recognized.
> Objects close up appear bigger than objects in a distance.
> Water appears to move as waves roll to shore.
> Railroad tracks come together in the distance.
> 2. The greater the number of Senses affected, the greater the strength
> of this illusion. Multiple sensory illusion at a very deep level
> overrides logic and reason and causes reflexive reaction: i.e.
> When sitting at a stop light and the cars on each side begin to move,
> subconscious response will cause the foot to push hard on the brake. The
> same in a car wash. Logically and consciously we know we are not moving
> but multi-sensory illusion will still create a reflex response.
> Rides at theme park which clearly never move or travel anywhere but use
> visual, tactile and auditory stimuli will create an illusion so strong
> it will override logic and reason and can cause severe physical
> reactions of vertigo and nausea just as if the ride was moving.
> In Disney theme park "Honey I shrunk the kids" 3 D video, it is
> virtually impossible not to lift your feet when the visual and tactile
> sensory illusion of mice on the floor is created.
> When emerging from a strong dream or nightmare state, every body
> sensation and response just after the dream is identical to the response
> in reality. (pounding heartbeat, fast breathing, high anxiety, etc.)
> These are the illusions we recognize and accept but others exist that
> are not recognized. It would seem that there are a number of illusions
> in science which are not recognized.
> Among these in the area of vorticity is vortex rotation.
> All vortexes in the universe rotate from west to east. Anti clockwise.
> Storms in the southern hemisphere do not rotate in the opposite
> direction from the northern hemisphere. It is only an illusion caused by
> perspective of looking down into the vortex from the other end.
> If you take a slinky and look into from one end and then rotate it so
> you are looking in the other end, the direction of rotation seems to
> reverse but it is always turning the same way.
> Neptune, Jupiter and its moons and Uranus moons apparent retrogression
> is part of the same illusion.
> In nature there are only two small exception in flowing water and air:
> 1. a primary strong vortex may create secondary clockwise spirals
> 2. all water flowing around obstruction create anti clockwise rotation
> but an unobstructed flow of a stream into a still pool will create
> initial clockwise rotation.
> 3. All living systems are created in Nature with anti clockwise wise
> rotation. i.e. all amino acids, proteins, natural sugars, etc. All
> planetary systems appear do the same.
> Anti-clockwise rotation concentrates. nature is always moving toward
> equalized potential. Hurricanes are low pressure systems that Nature is
> bringing back to balance by counterclockwise rotation concentrating
> mass and pressure into a lower pressure zone from a higher pressure
> zone.
> In the past there have been a number of posts to Keely which have not
> recognized this as an illusion. maybe we can clear this up once and put
> it to bed.
> Kindest regards
> ...frank hartman -
> =======================
> Hi Frank!
> Now I'm not too sure about this....could you provide the URL that came
> ...from? This is something that I wrote about many years ago, this
> confusion of clockwise and counter clockwise with regard to spin
> direction.
> ...From what I can tell, it is TOTALLY A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVE.
> What got me going on it, was the work of Davis and Rawls with magnetic
> fields of the Earth.
> They claim that magnetic poles have completely opposite effects,
> including spin direction.
> The normal understanding is that magnetic field lines flow OUT of the
> South pole, away from the earth, then back IN to the North pole.
> This would provide for monopolar effects as polar opposites. As I recall
> the spin direction according to them is CCW for North pole and CW for
> South pole as in the file;
> "Specifically, North Pole energies cause mass to contract and condense,
> rotating in a CCW direction, while South Pole energies cause mass to
> expand and dissipate, rotating in a CW direction.
> Also, North Pole energies have alkaline properties while South Pole
> energy is acid. North pole energies tend to collect fluids while South
> Pole energies dissipate fluids.
> North pole energy is referred to as negative because it reduces or
> attracts, while South pole energy is referred to as positive because it
> expands and dissipates.
> Since magnetic monopole magnets are not available at just any Wal-Mart
> store, they chose to use the longest possible bar or cylinder magnets
> they could acquire which would allow for the greatest separation of the
> two opposite energies.
> It was found that use of a North Pole would provide an energetic
> environment which would cause cancer cells to contract and die out.
> This energetic environment also has other healthy applications as
> detailed in their many books."
> Note: read the file to learn how to identify the true poles.
> ===========================
> This does NOT EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENS AT THE EQUATOR. I have heard from
> travellers in that part of the world who claim electrical equipment,
> even jeep, auto and truck electrical systems often fail or are
> unreliable on the equator.
> So, if they are correct, saying the North pole has a CCW spin and South
> pole has a CW spin, then what is their perspective? Everything
> indicates it was from the equator!!!!!
> Look Northward from the equator and it is moving TOWARD you in a CCW
> spin.
> Look Southward from the equator and it is moving AWAY from you in a CW
> spin.
> If your point of view is from the North pole, you will see that the spin
> moves through the earth with NO CHANGE in spin direction.
> If your point of view is from the South pole, it would like like one
> spring moving completely through the earth, though I think it would
> converge at the equator, looking like an hourglass shaped spring as it
> does seem to FOCUS at the equator.
> However, Davis/Rawls claim that the BLOCH WALL which occurs at the
> center of magnetic fields causes the North pole inflowing energy to flip
> by 180 degrees, becoming South pole energy, expanding to exit the
> planet, thus what WAS CCW is NOW CW due solely to the Bloch Wall flip.
> This is not the case with a long coil of wire with a DC current moving
> through it...there IS NO FLIP as measured with a compass held close to
> the powered coil.
> You see the same kind of confusion in much of the writing of Walter
> Russell.
> At any rate...I agree that there is ONE spin direction...the question
> One way imparts energy, the other sucks it out.
> This is also claimed to have been proven by Flanagan using two moebius
> antennas. One has a LEFT hand spin which is claimed to suck energy FROM
> the surroundings and inject it into the target. One has a RIGHT hand
> spin and is claimed to suck energy FROM THE SUBJECT and dissipate it
> into the surrounding environment.
> The story is that Flanagan wrote that he hooked up a small, very weak
> oscillator to a LEFT HAND MOEBIUS and aimed it outwards from his
> workshop towards where people were working in his building. Within
> minutes, people started complaining of being tired and drained. He
> assured them they would feel better momentarily.
> He shut down the oscillator, removed the LEFT hand moebius and attached
> the RIGHT hand moebius. Turned the oscillator back on and everyone was
> now feeling right with the world and quite energetic.
> Two terms come into play here - a balanced dual spin property referred
> to as RACEMIC;
> Date: 1892: of, relating to, or constituting a compound or mixture that
> is composed of equal amounts of dextrorotatory (right hand rotation) and
> levorotatory (left hand rotation) forms of the same compound and is not
> optically active
> (isn't that intriguing, when they are balanced, (can you say scalar?)
> they aren't 'optically active')
> Date: 1894: of or relating to a molecule that is not superimposable on
> its mirror image
> I guess my point is that you should be able create an essentially
> monopolar field using the right geometry.
> A crude effect would be using a circularly polarized antenna where you
> could only PROJECT energy and depending on your intent, your spin
> direction would be oriented to match the 'spin' of your subject to allow
> absorption of this additional energy.
> Would make for some great experiments with plants or yeast or breeding
> ...flies or such....a solenoidal coil directed so that the suction side
> of the North polarity would be directed to the living mass and see what
> happens. Mabye have identical matter on the South polarity and see what
> happens, do they fluorish, die or is there no effect.
> It wouldn't do to experiment with pulsing the current as this is
> specifically to determine monopolar flow effects, not bidirectional
> effects..
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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