February 18, 1994



       The following  is  a  very  basic introduction to the incredible

   researches of Albert Roy Davis and Walter Rawls.  Davis is no longer

     living, but Rawls currently lives in Florida around Jacksonville.

   We highly recommend the purchase  of  the  following books detailing

   the researches of these two brilliant investigators.


   "Magnetism and its Effects on the Living System"

       Explains for the first time how magnetism affects  your life and

       the life  of all living systems around you.  The result of years

       of investigation into the laws  of  magnetism,  it  explains the

       discovery that a magnet has not one effect on the  living system

       but TWO  EFFECTS,  each  supplied  by  the  two  forms of energy

       transmitted from each pole.  You  or  any other qualified person

       can reproduce the projects in this book.  (Illustrated)


   "The Magnetic Effect"

       In this  book,  Davis and Rawls present and discuss  biomagnetic

       experiments and  research that have been successfully duplicated

       by members of the orthodox scientific  community.   The  authors

       reveal the   factual,  natural  basis  of  applied   biomagnetic

       energies and  add  greatly  to the understanding of this new and

       exciting field.  The computer-exact and reproducible findings in

       this work  apply  to  the  treatment   of   such  conditions  as

       arthritis, cancer, glaucoma, sexual problems, and aging.


   "The Magnetic Blueprint of Life"

       Written with forcefulness and precision, this is a comprehensive

       guide to the effect of magnetism upon the air  we  breathe,  the

       food we  eat,  the  exercise we take.  It is an eloquent plea to

       the scientific community to reconsider the significance of basic

       magnetism...."the most important energy in Nature."



                                  Part 1

                            by Jerry W. Decker

                with information from "The Magnetic Effect"

                  by Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls

   One of the most important series  of  experiments  ever done and yet

   still not widely known, were those carried out by Albert  Roy  Davis

   in conjunction with Walter Rawls.  These experiments are FUNDAMENTAL

   to an understanding of magnetic forces and are to this day not being

   used widely because many have never heard of them.

   They found that  each pole of a magnet has SPECIFIC effects that are

   quite different from those of a full  magnet  where  both  poles are

   applied simultaneously.  These polar effects are deemed "mono-polar"

   for one pole.   The  poles  spin  in  opposite directions  and  have

   opposite properties.

   Specifically, North Pole   energies   cause  mass  to  contract  and

   condense, rotating in a CCW direction,  while  South  Pole  energies

   cause mass to  expand  and dissipate, rotating in  a  CW  direction.

   Also, North Pole  energies have alkaline properties while South Pole

   energy is acid.  North pole energies  tend  to  collect fluids while

   South Pole energies dissipate fluids.  North pole energy is referred

   to as negative  because  it  reduces or attracts, while  South  pole

   energy is referred to as positive because it expands and dissipates.

   Since magnetic monopole  magnets  are not available at just any Wal-

   Mart store, they chose to use the  longest  possible bar or cylinder

   magnets they could  acquire  which  would  allow  for  the  greatest

   separation of the two opposite energies.

   It was found  that  use  of  a North Pole would provide an energetic

   environment which would cause cancer  cells to contract and die out.

   This energetic environment  also has other healthy  applications  as

   detailed in their many books.

   I had the  pleasure  of  visiting with Walter Rawls one afternoon at

   his office in  Jacksonville,  Florida   several   years   back.   We

   discussed many things including Keely, of which he  had never heard.

   Mr. Rawls mailing address is

                               Walter Rawls

                             ARD Research Lab

                                PO BOX 655

                    Green Cove Springs, Florida  32043

                              (904) 264-8564

   Should you wish  to  carry  out your own experiments with magnets as

   blazed by these pioneers, here are some helpful tips.



   First, you need to understand how to correctly identify the polarity

   of any magnet.  In Davis/Rawls own words:

     "The North pole of a magnet seeks  a South pole; likewise, a South

      pole seeks a North pole.  The North pole of a magnet  is  NOT the

      North-SEEKING pole, nor is the South pole the South-SEEKING pole.

      In fact, the North-SEEKING pole of a magnet is ACTUALLY the South

      pole!  The South-SEEKING pole of a magnet is the North pole.  The

      rule to remember is OPPOSITES ATTRACT and SIMILARS REPEL.

      Test a magnet for correct usage by identifying the separate poles

      correctly.  Using  a  bar or cylinder magnet, tie a thread around

      the exact center of the magnet,  with  the  thread having a loose


      Tie the  loose  end of the thread to any stationary overhang that

      allows the magnet to turn without  hindrance  in space.  When the

      magnet stops  turning,  the  end  of the magnet pointing  in  the

      direction of  the  earth's  North  pole  is the South pole of the

      magnet.  You may need a simple  compass  to determine the earth's

      North pole direction.

      After you have determined the South pole of the magnet, mark that

      pole end with red fingernail polish or paint.  Once  you have one

      magnet properly  identified for North and South poles this magnet

      can be  used to IDENTIFY the  North  and  South  poles  of  OTHER

      magnets.  (They  use the color RED to indicate  danger  and  thus

      avoid it for biological experiments.  The reason being that since

      it causes  a  swelling of tissue, the fluids flow more freely, it

      accelerates life and growth.  If  you have a bacteria or disease,

      it will  also  ACCELERATE  its  growth  and  so   can   be  quite


      For example,  if  we  bring  the  South  pole of any magnet up to

      another magnet's pole, a REPELLING  force  shows that the pole of

      the unknown magnet is the South pole.  An ATTRACTING  force shows

      that the unknown pole is the North pole.

      You may  wish  to purchase a small inexpensive magnetometer.  The

      sensitive needle of this instrument moves in one direction or the

      other depending on the separate  magnetic pole in close vicinity.

      The law of magnetism is a PRIMARY law of nature:

                Like forces REPEL - unlike forces ATTRACT.



   Magnetic field strength  is measured in units called  gauss.   Since

   magnets are not sold with this value printed on them and gaussmeters

   are expensive, you  need  a  way  to determine the approximate field


   Magnets are generally  sold by their  LIFTING  power.   That  is,  a

   horseshoe magnet is offered as having a lifting power,  when  placed

   against a piece  of  heavy  metal,  of  2  pounds to 25 pounds to 50

   pounds, depending on the size, type, or kind of magnet.

   As a guide to the approximate gauss  of commercial magnets, consider

   the following:

      A magnet having a lifting power of 2 pounds may  vary from 500 to

      600 gauss units;

      a lifting power of 5 pounds may vary from 900 to 1200 gauss;

      a lifting power of 25 pounds is usually around 2000 gauss;

      with 50 pounds lifting power, 3500 to 4500 gauss.

   For more precise   measurement,   an   equipment   aid,  such  as  a

   magnetometer, should be employed.

   Care must be taken to properly determine  which  pole  is  North and

   which is South, based on the above criteria.


   When I was visiting with Walter in Florida, he very  kindly  gave me

   an assortment of  magnets  and books as well as an interesting meter

   that is used to measure the field strength AND POLARITY of a magnet.

   This meter allows  you to quickly and accurately determine what pole

   is North or  South.   It  also  has   instructions  for  helping  to

   determine the field  strength.  The meter sells for  $50  and  is  a

   quick way to VISUALLY determine the polarity of any magnet.



   To prevent breakage  and  loss  of  magnetic power, you should never

   drop or strike the magnet with a sharp  blow.   Not only can it chip

   but it can also lose magnetic energy.

   Magnets should never be stored in a hot location.  Most magnets lose

   ALL their power at temperatures from 400 to 500 degrees  Fahrenheit.

   The loss occurs  at  the CURIE point, where the magnetic domains are

   no longer aligned and become chaotic.

   After using a magnet, you should  place  both  ends  of  the  magnet

   against a structure of flat metal.  This will allow  the  magnet  to

   maintain its original  strength.   Such  a  structure  is  called  a

   "keeper."  Magnets should be kept  away  from each other.  If placed

   where the poles  of  separate  magnets  repel,  there   could  be  a

   "bleeding-off" of the energy.  A loss of energy in this manner would

   be rapid.



   Very effective and  powerful  magnets are made by passing electrical

   energy through a coil of wire having  a  metal, iron, or steel core.

   However, there is  a  difference between the magnetism  produced  in

   this manner and  the  magnetism  from  a  solid  state  bar or metal

   composition magnet.

   Magnetism HAS A  FREQUENCY.   It  also  has  motion.   The  rate  of

   vibration depends on  the  size,  length, width, and  power  of  the

   magnet.  Solid state  composition  magnets,  such as metal, iron and

   steel, are CONSTANT in their rate  of  vibration  DEPENDING on their

   structure.  An electromagnet,  however,  may  present  a  number  of

   different types of vibrations.

   Any kind of  electromagnet  has  many turns of insulated wire.  Each

   turn of this wire presents so many lines of magnetism.  Actually, we

   have discovered that these lines  of  force  are  really  CABLES  of

   force, as explained  in our earlier publications.   (See  RAWLS1.ASC

   and RAWLS1.GIF on KeelyNet)

   However, a coil  wound  a  certain  number  of turns has a different

   frequency from a fixed metal or composition  magnet.   As  the  coil

   heats, the resistance  to  the flow of current INCREASES.   Here  we

   have a SLOW DROP in magnetic lines, or cables, of force to a RISE IN

   FORCE, depending upon   the   wire   and  core  materials  used  for

   construction.  Therefore, the    vibrations    supplied    by    the

   electromagnet are NOT  AS  CONSTANT  as  those  from  the  metal  or

   composition magnet.

   Our research has  revealed that size, width, and overall length of a

   magnet GOVERNS FREQUENCY in electrical electron vibrations.  This is

   a discovery not known by the general  scientific  community, because

   wee have not  published  our scientific materials on  this  research

   finding.  We are  working  on this discovery in the establishment of

   provable laws that  we  will  disclose   when  completed.   We  feel

   confident this future disclosure will open new avenues  that neither

   we nor the general scientific community could properly comprehend at

   this time.   (printed in The Magnetic Effect in 1975)


   I asked Walter  about  this  frequency  business with magnets and at

   that time, he would not disclose how  the  measurements were made as

   it was proprietary  to  their  company, BioMagnetics  International.

   There are over  36  international  patents  based on the Davis/Rawls


   Also at the time I spoke with Walter,  he  said they had developed a

   couch that could DIAGNOSE problem areas in the body with an accuracy

   of 99%.  It  uses  magnets  to  create a response  in  the  body  to

   indicate an infected   or   diseased  location.   This  response  is

   described in the books listed above and has to do with a contraction

   of tissue when in the presence of a North pole energy.

   It is interesting that the Floyd (Sparky)  Sweet  Vacuum Triode uses

   magnets that are "tuned" to the 60 cps frequency.   This  allows the

   device to pull  in  space  energy  at  a  frequency that requires no

   alteration to run off the shelf devices.   We also understand he has

   "pulled" as much  as  3000 watts of free energy directly  from  this

   space energy source,  also  called  the ZPE or hyperspace or virtual

   flux.  The magnets are put under a tremendous stress by placing like

   poles against one  another,  then   binding   them   together,  this

   effectively creates a giant magnet with spatial stress  bubble.  All

   that is listed on KeelyNet as SWEET1 through SWEET4 and the diagrams

   are listed as VTAPAK.ZIP.

   The device also  appears  to  be  LOCALE  DEPENDENT, meaning that it

   works better in some areas than others.   To  our  knowledge, no one

   has yet publicly  admitted  to  successfully duplicating  the  Sweet


   We are told  Sweet  is  under  a  Secrecy Order by the United States

   government that forbids his discussing  or  working further with his

   own discovery.  If he'd only "slip" a copy of the plans out, we'd be

   very happy to distribute them across the computer  networks  and  to

   many other researchers who would make it a reality for all.


Also see the file RAWLS1.HTM