Re: article on electromedicine

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Wed, 7 Apr 1999 14:21:14 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Ren et al!

Do you happen to have the URL for this Sulos?? I
don't recall seeing that name.

There is even a term for electric horticulture which
is 'electroculture' Pop Science and Pop
Electronics there were several cool experiments you
could do....people in Florida and California who were
growing citrus would lose most of the crop when a
freeze they would use 'smudge pots' to smoke
up the air and keep heat in the area.

I'd have to pull it up on specifics, but they claim
that you could run wires under the soil streaming out
from a central source and all plants/trees in that
area would be protected from the cold snap....

There are some great stories about the efficacy of
electroculture....such as increased size of the plant
and its fruits....higher quality, less or NO
pesticides, all kinds of benefits....

An email was going around about a month ago about the
modification of plant DNA by Dow to make seedless
plants. The point being to control seed stock...I'm
not sure how THEY'D grow them if they don't have seeds
either...not like they'd be grafting all the plants.

Supposed to be that the plants are 'tuned' to grow
best when 'protected' by certain combinations of
chemicals in DOW pesticides only.

If true, it is one of the most disgusting and socially
irresponsible acts that a company or government can
do. What if vast fields of these plants someone
altered other plants to also become seedless....geez,
they are tampering with the fabric of life solely in
the pursuit of profit.

Should be massive legislation about that as it could
well deforest the planet or completely kill off
specific crops.

I just can't see how any responsible person would work
for a company or buy from a company with such
misguided and fatalistic research paths.

I'll see if I can find that email as it certainly
needs to be available as a URL for reference, even
though its not free energy, g/c and e/ is
certainly ECOLOGY which affects us all...

If you happen to know that URL I'd certainly be
interested in reading it as for a self-sufficient home
where the owners grew their own crops, this could be
very useful.

--- Marinus Berghuis wrote:
> At 17:57 6/04/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >Hi Steve et al!
> >
> >Thanks for the URL on zapping cancer cells to
> increase
> >cell porosity!
> >
> To Jerry and steve,
> Just like to mention that Sulos stated that his
> 1.300000 volts generator
> makes everything grow in his garden and beyond.
> I don't know if you read his web site but he was
> adamant about the effect
> of this and as pyramids are also making things grow,
> high voltage appears
> to have an immediate effect on living cells.Pyramid
> voltages are not
> measurable but do affect oxygen seperation so they
> are probably very high
> but without enough current to make meters register.
> Ren


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