Re: Clem as a Rotary Heat Pump

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Thu, 08 Apr 1999 14:33:20 +1200

At 13:56 6/04/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Rem, Larry et al!
>Dreaming as opposed to building?...<g>...
Hi Jerry and all,

Short story about me,
Age 69, retired, living in a spot where no one bothers you but the flies.
Fixed income $ 215 per week,
Mortgage $ 190 per week for another 2 1'2 years.
Have sold most of my assets to exist so any work being done is done on the
Work done in my life:
Farm labourer, company secretary. accountant, engineer, assembly worker,
surveyors work, boat builder, house design and build. (revolutionary,) very
few if any nails used because houses built according to local telluric
conditions [providing free heat.)Also radio repair work spare time for
various electrical firms and private clients. Done some ham radio work but
found it boring so gave it up. Been at sea with my boats and learned
navigation and a general hand for auto repairs, do ALL my own repair
including rebore work etc.
Developed various ideas to do with roading and holding of country against
slippage. Involved for 20 years in the drilling industry in an
administrative capacity and have nothing to show for it because whenever I
have been financial, invested it in family and other worthy causes as I do
not intend to die a rich corpse.
I do share my life with a lady and a young grand daughter 12 years of age
and together we manage to survive although things are going from bad to worse.
Where N.Z. once was God's own country, we are slowly but surely squeezed to
death by corrupt lawyers,unscrupulous medical fraternity and a nightmare
bureaucracy who think their shit does not stink and do anything in their
power to keep our noses to the grindstone until our last breath.
Privately I hope that GAIA will shake her feathers this year as prophesied
and even if I perish I will live until then in the hope that humamity may
re- awaken sanity as in today's world insanity is the name of the game
especially with our politicians who play GOD with our tax dollars as if
there is no bottom to the fountain of gold.

That about tells you who I am and if I tell you that I have read on average
4 to 5 books a week about anything and everything, this should give you
some idea of what is stored upstairs. It only needs a nudge and out comes
some drivel
probably getting me nowhere because most books are written by people who
cannot be bothered making money any other way so it is up to us to provide
the real answers.
I have a modest workshop and can make most of what I require as long as I
can obtain the raw material (minimum 500 km trip.)

I hope that this clears up your idea about me.

Greetings to you all and good hunting for the elusive nirvana on earth.
