Magnetic Hamster Cage Challenge

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 6 Apr 1999 18:05:04 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

Thought you should have the opportunity to check out
this cool page as was posted on the freenrg list;
Hold on Rod..and everyone else. Now, I will back up my
magnetic hamster cage motor with cash!

I will pay the parts expenses to replicate this motor
up to 150.00 for 3 seperate people who will honestly
give this motor a try.

This motor works on gravity and magnetic forces.

This motor can be seen at;

Email me with your sincere desire to replicate this
motor, and I will choose 3 people to build it.

These 3 people will recieve 150.00 each after sending
me copies of reciepts showing they bought parts to
build the motor. How can you lose?

I'm paying you to replicate it through parts. Reports
will be sent to the list showing their results. After
the worst that could happen is you would wind up with
some good magnets at no cost!

As for Rod's wheel, I just cannot see it working. A
wheel will throw you many curves, (no pun intended) as
it will always balance itself. There has to be extra
forces to make it work.

But, I hope that it will. Any takers??
Regards, Robert H. Calloway.


Please respond to
as I am writing from my work email of!
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