RE: The erroneous thinking of Cold Fusion

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 30 Mar 1999 13:45:55 -0800 (PST)

Hi Euejin et al!

There is no doubt something quite interesting is going
on with so-called 'cold fusion'. My problem is with the
claims of 'working units'.

In your own email and many other posts I see in other
newsgroups, the confusion is over the nature of cold

Are we talking specifically about anomalous heat
generated from a cell? That is what I am referring to
as I have NO ISSUES with the minute transmutations
which apparently do occur.

So we have; heat generation OR

On that we have to be absolutely clear, particularly in
ALL media representations or promotions.

It seems a veritable church has been built up around
the phenomen with people profitting by either money or
(in)famy in various ways from promoting it.

With regard SPECIFICALLY to anomalous heat generation,
such as in the claims of the Patterson cell (and
others), IF there is TRULY a WORKING heat cell based on
cold fusion, which runs for a long period and provides
sufficient energy to do work, then GREAT and it should
be promoted and sold.

However, all reports I have seen, indicate that the
heat generated is PURELY an effect of the minute
transmutations which contaminate the source elements to
a degree that the heat production degrades and
eventually stops.

At that point, the unit has to be stripped and the
internals replaced.

Consider a lead acid battery which is almost identical
because over time, the acid corrodes the plates which
reduces the surface area which reduces the charge
capacity and therefore the runtime of the battery.
Eventually it simply will not hold a charge.

Why? Because of contamination....precisely the problem
with 'cold fusion' cells except that the heat simply
stops or is not longer sufficiently hot enough to be

The solution for an acid battery? Remove everything,
clean the chamber thoroughly, replace the plates and
the acid.

The solution for a 'cold fusion' cell? Clean the
chamber thoroughly, replace the components and fluid
(heavy water or in some cases distilled light water).

So, despite all the flames I have received from this
simple question for a working device AND a CLEAR
delineation between the heat producing effect OR the
transmuation effects, I still get acronyms, semantics
and whines that I am some kind of traitor to 'the

The responses I got was that it was highly specialized
and was working in certain labs. A lab queen by any
other name.

...please....let's be honest, people should do the
reality check...and stop promoting it as WORKING until
it is at a stage of independent public proof, meaning
others can see WITHOUT DOUBT that the unit does produce
excess heat which is doing useful for and for a
prolonged period..only then is it REAL....

The academics and believers are so focused on the
transmutation minutia of the phenomenon that they love
to argue and obfuscate the issue of excess heat
generation FROM the transmutation....the cell
components DO degrade over time and requires

To my view that is simply not good enough for all the
hoopla associated with the anomalous heat production.

Probably the most useful thing that could happen in
cold fusion would be an established consensus where
EVERYONE stops blending the two quite different RESULTS
under the aegis of 'cold fusion'.

Heat generation is on thing.
Transmutation quite another.

Despite the fact that one is causing the other.

So the end goal should be clearly specified by a name
which denotes that end goal.

As in, Is the purpose to produce heat for power


Is the purpose to produce transmutation?

--- Euejin Jeong wrote:
> Hi All;
> Let there be no mistake. Cold fusion is a physical
> phenomenon. There must
> be a long way for the engineering perfection. But
> it's already worth with
> what it is right now. Suppose you spent billions of
> dollars to perfect the
> engineering model for the cold fusion, you may have
> already succeeded in
> building a cold fusion power plant who knows? There
> is no known way of
> elemental transmutation by Electro-chemical means.
> And the cold fusion
> experiment has reported that they have succeeded in
> observing those effect.
> I don't understand why this doesn't surprise
> everybody in the physics
> community and jump into it with tons of money
> for the support. The
> physics community has lost the innocence long time
> ago. And some of you are
> contributing to that effect.


Please respond to
as I am writing from my work email of!
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