Dallas Science Fair March 21st

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Sat, 20 Mar 1999 00:30:01 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

If you happen to live in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex and are
interested in science, you might want to attend the Science Fair that
will be held this weekend at Fair Park.

The judging will be a closed to the public event that will take place
most of Saturday, HOWEVER, on Sunday from 1PM to 4PM, the public will
be admitted to view and appreciate these budding science talents.

I've always found it a lot of fun, very informative and some great
ideas. This particular Science Fair will have an entry by Chuck
Henderson's young daughter, Crystal. She built a version of the TOMI
device which won 1st place in her school, making her eligible for this
citywide Science Fair, so that should be a hoot, seeing one of 'our'
plans being shown to the public and hopefully winning Crystal a major

The Science Fair will be in the Automotive building at Fair Park.

If you drive in on I-30, you can take the Haskell Exit or 1st Avenue
exit which will take you right over to Fair Park...there are numerous
signs on several exits directing you to Fair Park.

The instructions say to enter Credentials Gate at the corner of
Washington and Parry avenues. Free parking is available at that
location. Enter the Automobile Building through the South entrance
(faces the Music Hall).

So from 1PM to 4PM this Sunday, March 21st, plan to be there, its
always fun and we need to encourage these kids...seeya!

Oh and look for Crystal Hendersens exhibit on the TOMI (theory of
magnetic instability).

Here is an extract from the earlier eScribe discussion list about this
device and its inventor;
> Is this the same Stewart Harris (now Steven) of
> TOMI notoriety? I used to be in touch with him but
> his health is so bad, we kind of lost touch. He
> lives in Las Vegas and was always disappointed
> because so many slammed his device who NEVER lifted
> a finger to build it from the clearly posted
> plans....I did as did many others, it does what he
> says it does....details on TOMI at;
> http://keelynet.com/energy/tomibild.htm if you are
> interested.


Please respond to jdecker@keelynet.com
as I am writing from my work email of
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