Fwd : Re : Exotic Research Conference

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( jplentin@club-internet.fr )
Sun, 14 Mar 1999 09:10:25 +0100 (MET)

Hi all ! Robin Dye asked me to forward this message. So here it is.
PS - I, for one, am rather glad that this very fine conference is postponed
to July.
I would not have been able to attend in March. But July... I'm coming !
See ya there ?

From: "Robin Dye: The Credit Zone/VisionQuest Productions"
To: <KeelyNet@DallasTexas.net>, <vortex-l@eskimo.com>, <freenrg-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: Please note conference changes

Hi Everyone,

I was just informed that the Exotic Research Conference scheduled for March
25-28 in Seattle, Washington has been rescheduled for this summer. Steve
has worked endlessly to prepare for this event and has fought against all
odds to make it happen. Unfortunately he has been forced to postpone the
event until July. He has tried everything in his power to make this event
take place this month but was unable, due to extenuating circumstances.

Steve is a very good friend of mine and I can tell you that no man is more
dedicated to getting this information to the public and he will do
everything humanly possible to make the July event worth every moment.
Please show your support and join us at the summer event. I can tell you
from personal experience that... to pull off a major event... is no easy
task. I believe that this rescheduling will give more people the
opportunity to attend this summer. We all need to realize the value of the
inventors of America (and the world...for that matter) and support them in
their efforts and solutions to earth's problems. I stand behind all of
those who wish to make a difference and I salute those who realize the
importance of continued research.

Robin Dye
VisionQuest Productions

Jean-Pierre Lentin