Re: Electromagnetic generator/ground antennas

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Sun, 03 Mar 2002 16:11:06 +1300

At 17:44 13/03/99 -0800, you wrote:
>> An interesting comment on the increased sin wave strength from
>> antennas(collectors)
Hello Larry and all,

Staggering stuff and must try one day.
There is a mention on the keely archives of a difference of electric
potential to be had from height.
As stated before, my property has a steep incline on one side and I am
going to bury an automotive radiator in the creek below and run a wire of
some 600 metres on insulated plastic electric fence standards to my shack
to see if I can obtain a potential between that and the roof of my house
which is insulated from ground by timber.I have to wait a while as the
grass is 5 foot high still.
Once in place, I intend to tune this affair with variable capacitors and
coils to see if usable standing voltages are generated.

Wonders never cease.
