Re: Electrostatic Power Generating System

Sat, 13 Mar 1999 15:05:10 -0800

Just a few notes. Nickel does not become reactive until about 600 C.
Once initiated it becomes self sustaining.
Brown sediment? They don't say use only distilled water in batteries
for nothing. Would sodium bicarb perhaps be workable?

Larry Marinus Berghuis wrote:
> At 15:45 13/03/99 -0500, Ken Carrigan wrote:
> > Electrostatic implies that no power is needed to sustain the field,
> >when in fact there
> Good day to you all !
> Glad to see the net operating again and thought to report on my bit of bother.
> I have persevered with Joe's cell and can state this:
> There is no way so far to stop the water from creating a brown settlement
> which coats the insulators and causes power loss.
> I have been able to find a water that takes some weeks to get it but it is
> there all the same.
> I have charged the water, put it in the cell and left the cell standing
> with only the negative terminal connected and found a -10 degree
> temperature difference between the water and the air temperature
> outside.(Heavy condensation on the outside of the cell and the same
> occurred in a sealed glass jar with charged water without a power
> connmection) Also the water evaporates rather quickly, lost 1/4 inch
> showing queer surface tension between the plates, deep half circles and
> over two days.
> However a Hillman Hunter motor does not work despite trials in every
> possible way of connection.
> Since read various reports on catalists and noted that nickel is supposed
> to disassociate hydrogen from water. (Read the report on 70% water mix with
> fuel) Then along comes Meyer with his gadget to tell us that only stainless
> 416 can be used and that contains no nickel.
> My gut feeling is that nickel is the catalist in stainless 316 required by
> the Joe cell.
> The Rover engine that worked for me is an aluminium alloy and would love to
> find out what alloy and also if they have nickel chromium sleeves. They
> were a very expensive car and still hope to lay my hands on one.
> The printed report on Joe's cell claims that he converted 14 ordinary
> engines including a dragster and all I can say is" he must have a certain
> way of breathing" I also note that he has given up on it which means to me
> that to actually make it work is reliant on matters so precise that it is
> not possible to make it in quantities because of the fickle nature of
> mechanical devices.(All wear different and behave different with different
> drivers.) I understood that several of you have tried also and would like
> to hear what you did find.
> My efforts have not yet stopped on this but have not enough money to buy a
> sheet of nickel N.Z.$ 300 for a piece 18 inches by 84 inches (only size
> procurable) but would suggest that if any of you try to make the cell out
> of this material.
> Joe states that the cylinders have to be level with a precision of 1 thou
> This in itself can only be done with mechanically cut rubbers as the
> precision required is not achievable by my hand. You can have the cylinders
> right but the rubbers throw it out again.(At least the rubber procurable
> here.)
> That is all so far on this one.
> Electrostatic power generation.
> As mentioned before by yours truly, I do not believe that large power
> quantities can be achieved without mechanical manipulation of either
> magnetic material unless we discover some material that has superconducting
> properties available to us ordinary mortals.
> I have the report on the Testika experiment and this is my next project, it
> being at least a working one. With the present day capacitors and diodes,
> it should be possible to transform static charge into a.c. as mentioned in
> the Hyde patent referred to yesterday.
> The Chancey Britten patent is just what it says it is. A clarifier and
> current saver.
> It amplifies an arial reception and saves battery current by reducing the
> current requirement of the valves because it needed less volume in the
> final circuit.
> I should have realised this before as I do the same on my T.V. arial here
> because I get no reception normally so put 9 volts d.c. on the unit with
> little coil up the mast and hey presto reception. (Commercially made)
> If he generated power as claimed in the Newspaper article, the gadget shown
> as the generator in no way resembles his patent description and the secret
> (if any) got lost and is buried with him.
> Hope that this has been of interest and look forward to future
> commnunications.
> Ren
> Oh as an afterthought.
> Logged onto the keely net yesterday and received and automatic wall paper
> from a porn channel. I trust that this came through accidentally with our
> new server and all. I have taken it off the screen but so far unable to
> delete it from my computer.
> Ren
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