Re: Electrostatic Power Generating System

Sat, 13 Mar 1999 15:47:04 -0800

Ken Carrigan wrote:
> Electrostatic implies that no power is needed to sustain the field,
> when in fact there
> are losses to keeping any high potential in free space. Now if one
> tries to use this
> electrostatic energy for work, then the field will start to either
> deplete or require more

If one needs a source of energy that is not exhaustible and self
sustaining perhaps earth energy/neg energy fits the bill. The size of
the collector plates would be relitive to the current.

but we have to get the static magnetic
> field to become
> oscillatory. If you can make a magnetic field from a permenate
> magnetic oscillate
> by either machanical means or field modulation means, there would be
> your answer.

You can't get work energy without current. To get current one needs
prospective pos and neg potentials re/static charges. The larger the
difference the more the current. Perm-mag induce current but the energy
has to come from somewhere. Telsa generators always generate
simultaneously pos and neg energy to create current. So the key is to
have enexhaustible sources of neg and pos energy.

> Now, this mechanical or field modulation (FM) means would also have
> to be free..
> or at least the magnetic field oscillations (integrate for power
> extraction) would have
> to supply the oscillations means.

As per ground radio specs, it appears that inducing a small specified
sin wave can be amplified by passing through a ground current. If this
is correct than you would have a stronger current recieved via the
reciever than what is used to initiate the signal. Maybe I'm wrong but
it seems that earth currents tune themselves to sin waves, rather than
the reverse.

> Any takers for this kinda project? The TOMI is close..where magnetics
> are used to
> rotate a ball bearing. If one could produce that...ball bearing
> rotating continually..
> I'd have to say.. you would be 75% there to answers to free energy.

In a perfect no resistance world this would work.
> v/r Ken Carrigan
> PS... it also could be that high frequency oscillations are the answer
> vice slower or
> lower oscillations. Something like a car.. for gas milage? Too fast
> and wind velocity
> friction decreases effieciency but too slow also reduces efficiency.
> There could be this
> relationship for oscillating magnetic field for extraction of power.
> I have done some
> research on a faraday disk and it does hold true about the magnetic
> field rotation versus
> velocity.... k*V^3 is frictional losses.

I thing you have got it in a nutshell, what is the right resonance that
earth energy best converts to sin waves?
