Gyroscopic anti-gravity??

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 27 Feb 1999 00:43:23 -0600

Hi Folks!

With regard to Gyroscopic gravitation anomalies, I received what at
first appeared to be an interesting email, but on reading it, I was
quite disappointed with the lack of supportive information.

Using 'gyroscope+gravity' as they keywords for a basic search engine, I
found the following files;

weight loss of 1 part in 7,000;

Gravity Probe B - frame dragging and gravity;

Sandy Kidd highly abridged info;

very mathematically oriented page on Earth as a Gyroscope;

Here is the email should you be interested;
You wrote;
> I just came a posting from several years ago about the anti-gravity
> effects of a spinning gyroscope. Interesting...very interesting.
> You can believe what I'm about to tell you or not. I don't really
> care...but I thought someone like you might find the following
> information interesting...

Well, I'm open to the new or novel concepts but belief is another thing
entirely. It really is a good idea to post URLs, book references and
such to provide additional material when making a claim.

> Don't know why you are personally interested in this...but I can tell
> you that there have been many years of classified experiments done on
> small particle acclerators on the outside of round objects.

On what basis do you have experience or inside information regard
'classified experiments'?

> These particle accelerators create a localized anti-mass effect.
> This is like putting a gyroscope on the outside of a saucer. Just
> the edge is spinning...but rather than at 18,000 rpm, it more like
> 3,000,000,000 rpm.

This is an incredible statement. 3 BILLION rpm?? How was this measured
and what kept the mass from self-destructing from centrifugal force long
before achieving any such speed?

> Because these particles zip around at near the speed of light. It
> makes one heck of a gyroscope...more than enough to repel the effects
> of fact, items that were first tested with these devices
> pulled themselves right up off the floor just a few inches too the
> amazement of the scientists who built them.

Again, where is this information from? Sorry to say, but it smacks of
so much of the UFO/New Age material which thrives on secrecy, paranois,
unfounded statements and claims of inside information. Not a personal
attack, just that you offer no way to back up or remotely verify
anything you are reporting, even though it is quite interesting, I just
can't comprehend 3 billion rpms.

> But they only move a few inches before their power supply wires were
> yanked out of the wall and they tumbled back to the floor and were
> broken into several pieces.

Again, where is this reported independently?

> More advancements came along, including the use of a nuclear power
> plant to run these particle acclerator "gyroscopes".
> This meant no more "wires" to break when the object begin to rise.
> The power was on-board.

> The issue of control then came up. You now have an object that is
> "floating" in a room. ( actually in a large warehouse) But can it be
> controlled? Well, when an object become weightless, even a small
> force can propel it.

I saw the movie too, 'Navigator' it was excellent, but I realize it was
a very inspiring movie, yet not based on any fact or verifiable
experiment that I'd ever heard or read about.

You might also check out the movie 'Explorers' where the homebuilt ship
LOCKS into space using a very specific X,Y,Z set of coordinates
originating from a fixed reference. Again, this is a movie.

> So, small conventional rockets can move an object, and make it move
> much faster than would otherwise be possible because it has
> effectively no mass to propel. Astonishing speeds become
> possible...even in the earth's atmosphere. And once you can
> control it, you could put a person or person's on board and
> then...well...

As in intertialess and essentially producing its own gravity field, so
far nothing new here, sorry.

> Well, to make a long story short...have you ever wondered why
> flying saucers are round? The U.S. governement has known about the
> anti-gravity effects of "gyroscopes" for many decades, and had done
> everything they can to keep it under wraps and discredit any
> scientist who comes up with the "new discovery".

Really? And where does this come from? Again, its great to read of
interest in the claims, but you completely undermine yourself when you
resort to the same old hat of secrecy, classification, suppression,

> Problem is, it will remain a least until some private
> corporation or researcher can put together a small particle
> acclerator WITHOUT government funding. They control the tools to
> make these very closely for more than one reason.
> They want to keep this discovery under tight security for as long as
> they can. It's just a matter of time though until it's out...

Sorry, but you just lost it, again...

> I would predict very very soon in fact...but now you have heard it
> first...

Always around the corner, and you have provided all that information and
so kindly sent it to me to 'share' with our network...forgive my extreme
skepticism, I don't know what your purpose or game is, but if you can't
or won't provide URLs that backup your claims, its just another fluff
story....3 billion rpms?

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187