Re: hydrogen generation.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 23:38:25 -0600

Hi Folks!

I'm not sure if the following was posted as a URL with this thread
before but it is very relevant. The excerpt was posted by a Matti
Pitkanen but did not include an email address.
The article 'Stirred and shaken' in the latest New Scientist (Nov 14
1998 [NS]) tells about a chemical anomaly, which might be interesting
for those consciousness theorists trying to identify mechanisms
generating coherent light in biosystems.

Japanese chemist Kazamuri Dozen and his colleagues have observed
mysterious splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen at room
temperature using a simple catalyst (copper oxide in powder form) and
by stirring the liquid.

The quicker the container is stirred the more hydrogen and oxygen are
produced. Usually the splitting occurs at temperature of about 3000 C,
which suggests the energy .3 eV for the O-H bond (I would be happy if
someone could provide the precise value of the energy) and is driven by

Domen believes that a direct transformation of the kinetic energy of
the liquid motion to chemical energy must take place: standard wisdom
allows only the transformation *kinetic energy to thermal energy to
chemical energy*. There is no idea about the underlying mechanism and
new physics might be involved.

Article also tells that already 1980 analogous direct transformation of
acoustic energy to chemical energy was discovered and gave rise to the
field of sonochemistry.

There is also the mysterious phenomenon of sonoluminescence and I have
told in earlier posting about possible TGD based explanation of
sonoluminescence in terms of quantum antenna hypothesis (for the
quantum antenna hypothesis and its connection to sonoluminescence see
[antenna] ).

An attractive possibility is that liquid motion somehow generates
coherent light which in turn drives the reaction Quantum antenna
hypothesis states that various linear structures, in particular
microtubules, can serve as sources of coherent light.

Coherent light is created by light like vacuum em currents at almost
vacuum spacetime sheet associated with the structure in question.

Effect is purely TGD:eish and implied by the induced gauge field

in standard model electromagnetic currents involve always elementary
particles as charge carriers. Strictly lightlike currents with
elementary particles as charge carriers are not even possible since all
known charged particles are massive.

The first TGD based mechanism explaining the anomalous splitting of
hydrogen coming into mind is following.

a) Stirring creates linear cylindrical vortex like structures, which
are accompanied by spacetime sheets carrying light like vacuum currents.

The splitting to oxygen and hydrogen is driven by the coherent light
emitted by the vacuum currents. The energies for the photons of the
coherent light come as multiples of E= pi/L, where L is the length of
the linear structures involved. L should be very roughly of order
10^(-6) meters to give rise to quanta with energy E larger than E
about .1 eV.

One cannot say much about the role of the catalyst powder: if the size
of the powder particle determines the length of the linear structures
then effect should depend on the size of the powder particle and become
small for large powder particles.

b) The rotational motion creates classical Z0 magnetic fields (purely
TGD:eish effect) realized as Z0 magnetic flux tubes and a natural
expectation is that these flux tubes are accompanied by cylindrical
spacetime sheets carrying light like vacuum currents.

Since quarks feed their Z0 gauge fluxes to the spacetime sheets having
typically twice the cell size, the length of the cylindrical structures
would be of correct order of magnitude of about 10^(-6) meters. In
fact, the generation of Z^0 magnetic flux tubes was suggested already
many years ago to lead to the observed breaking of the super fluidity at
much smaller critical velocity than predicted by standard physics

What is interesting from the point of view of consciousness theorizing
is that in gel-phase vigorous streaming of intracellular liquid occurs.

Could the function of the streaming be the generation of lightlike
vacuum current emitting coherent biophotons?

Could it be possible to test this hypothesis by looking for an
additional sink of metabolic energy in cell? I remember from some
discussion group that there is evidence for an anomalous sink of
metabolic energy. Perhaps Stuart Hameroff knows something about this?

[NS] 'Stirred and Shaken', New Scientist, No 2160, Nov 14 1998.

[antenna] The chapter 'Microtubules as quantum antennas' in the book
'TGD inspired theory of consciousness ...'

[super] The chapter 'Macroscopic quantum phenomena and CP_ geometry' in
the book 'TGD'

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187