cure for coma's?

that crazy grrrrl ( )
Sun, 7 Feb 1999 18:03:10 -0500 (EST)

hey all,
i'm sure you're all familiar with patrick flanagan's neurophone... some of
the research i've read indicates that if you play certain brain
wavelengths into it, that state can be induced in the person... e.g.
relaxed states for meditation etc.
i was watching a program on the discovery channel about coma's and
vegetative states and i was wondering whether one could play alpha waves
through a neurophone and thereby bring the patient back to an alert and
concious state?
i don't have a neurophone of my own, but i was wondering whether anyone
has thought of this/tried it etc. i'm very interested in finding out if
this can go anywhere. any and all help would be very much appreciated.



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