Re: Returning to this List with TOMI questions

Gerald O'Docharty ( (no email) )
Wed, 03 Feb 1999 21:14:56 -0500

Hi Paul!
This seems to be yet another one of those intriguing synchronicities.
Two weeks ago I was thinking about the TOMI and sent an e-mail to this
list related to that. It was not specifically about the TOMI though I
did mention it. I guess we were attuned to the same wavelength. I never
had much sucess with the TOMI but I still have hundreds of those magnets
left. Are you thinking of threading the copper tubing through the holes
in the magnets to hold them in position? Remember some were using copper
pennies for spacers and there was a discussion regarding whether the
copper had an effect on the operation.
-Gerald O' wrote:
> Hi Jerry and Everyone,
> The last time I was on this mailing list KeelyNet was still a BBS!
> I've checked out the web site a few times since then for specific info
> on the Tampere experiments. Lately I've been thinking about the TOMI
> device (you know, the magnetic roller that would go up and down two
> ramps) and whatever happened to the inventor.