Is there a Perpendicular current to an Electrostatic field?

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 14:03:25 -0800 (PST)

The following was written as an email and detailing an experiment that
was done to try to tap into a possible perpendicular current that
might exist with an electrostatic field, I am posting it on the
KeelyNet discussion list so all can read it.
--- ****** ****** wrote:
> Hi Jerry
> I was reading the e-mail postings on your list when I came across
> one posted back in Oct.. The subject was Tapping the Casimir Effect.
> guy said he had a device which was 16" dia. and 24" long that would
> produce 120VAC at 50 amps. with an intial charge of 15kVDC. He also
> that he was tapping a force which was perpendicular to an
> field. I found this very interesting.

> Too bad he didn't explain how he did it. I had an idea that the
> force may be magnetic in nature, so I decided to do a few simple
test. I took a square
> transformer core 7 1/2" outside dimension, 5 1/4" inside dimension
and 1
> 1/8" stack. I put a coil on two of the legs opposite each other. The
> coils where 200 turns each of #16 magnet wire. I then took 2 insulated
> capacitor plates and placed one plate on the inside of the core
> a leg with no coil. I placed the other plate on the outside of the
> against the same leg.

> I assumed that a changing electric field in the core perpendicular
to the
> magnetic flux path may produce a changing
magnetic field in the core
> that would produce an AC voltage in the coils
which I could observe
> on the scope. I didn't see any voltage generated
from the 60 HZ but I did
> see a voltage generated from some noise (10 kHZ) that was riding on
the sine
> wave. With the coils connected in series I measured a voltage of
> peak to peak. The noise measured 20 volts peak to peak. I then
placed 2 more
> capacitor plates against the core on the same leg as the previous
two but
> perpendicular to them. I applied 150VDC to the plates while the
120VAC was
> being applied to the other two plates. I then measured 100mV peak to
> peak from the coils. I found this very interesting.

> This is very similar to the horizontal and vertical plates in the
picture tube
> of a tv set, which the guy mentioned contained a free energy device.
I would
> be interested in hearing your thoughts on this effect. Could it be
this simple?
Hi Gary et al!

Well, glad you were inspired by the claim, however, a small group of
us (10 in number) got involved in a private discussion list for the
express purpose of testing the guys claims as he had volunteered to
guide us in a duplication of his result.

Unfortunately, we caught him in lie after lie which really undermines
any degree of credibility and caused us all a great deal of frustration.

I too found the claim of a current existing perpendicular to an
electrostatic field quite intriguing yet the guy admitted that he had
used a damaged voltmeter and that the power claims he initially made
were 'estimations' based on the ability to boil water away in a bucket
in about a minute...he says he saw this.

He also says he plugged the output of his one and only working unit
into the earth which pulled so much current through the device that it

There were numerous other claims such as building a Tesla coil at age
13 which produced 15 foot bolts...<g>....and he is just now taking
basic electronics at about age 29.

Needless to say he was not able to duplicate the unit and had no way
to verify any of his claims.

We went through about a 3 week very intense period of dialogue and
experimentation under his 'suggestions' as he never gave us a tangible
diagram just hints. He was incredibly nebulous and vague.

We kept finding he was lifting comments from various sources and
blending them into his spiel trying to give it further
credibility....yet, NOT ONE of the suggestions he made remotely worked
as he suggested.

Now, the original idea came to him from a quote in a book, I thought
it was Tom Pawlicki's book on 'How to build a Flying Saucer' yet I
could not find that exact quote.

Others told us it might be in one of David Hatcher Childress's books,
probably, 'Antigravity and the Unified Field' which I've not been able
to check out yet.

The story refers to the author having witnessed an experiment at a
science fair in Canada, where a kid had two aluminum plates separated
by about 6" and which were charged with a high electrostatic
potential. I don't recall if it was AC or DC.

A steel ball bearing was placed in the center of the lower plate and
it began to spiral as it moved outwards towards the was
supposed to have rotated around the rim without falling off, as if

This is what the guy was using as his inspiration, thinking that if
the electrostatic field density between those plates has enough energy
to move a ball, then by placing a circular coil so that it was on or
close to that outside rim (where the energy density would be
strongest), then that 'swept field' might induce a current in the coil
that could be tapped...

That was the original idea and IF THE BALL EXPERIMENT IS SO, then it
should work!

Needless to say, no one has been able to find that story, though I
know I've read it several times and never picked up on that
possibility...also no one has ever DUPLICATED THAT EXPERIMENT with the
ball bearing....if we can duplicate it, then there could well be
something to the whole thing...

That includes the guy telling us this, he said at first he did, then
denied it when we asked for details so we could try it.

You can be sure if we ever are able to duplicate any of that or
something that works, it will be posted so that everyone can know the
exact details and results to see if they can reproduce and expand on
it...its the only way this stuff will EVER get out...seeya!

(p.s. if it turns out we do stumble onto a duplication of what this
guy claims using a similar experiment, he of course will be credited
as the inspiration though to date, none of his construction details
panned out in the least...sorry but at this point a false alarm, but
the idea is still intriguing!!!)
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