Re: infrasound

Marcelo Puhl ( (no email) )
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 19:57:48 -2

> From: "Cameron Maxwell" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: infrasound
> Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 14:37:01 +1100

> hello everyone, this is my forst post to the list, so go easy :)
> anyway Jerry was talking a bit about infrasound and if i remember correctly,
> every organ in the human body has a resonant frequency, and that of the human
> bowel was about 6Hz. Some friends and i were thinging of making a portable
> device that was based on this but we worked out that you would need a speaker
> cone about the size of a trashcan lid...
> any thought?
> Cam

Take a look at :


Search for Bass Shakers.

Marcelo Puhl

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