Re: Canyon.txt

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 22:19:16 -0600

Hi Zac!

You wrote;
Would you or anyone else happen to have that e-mail? I'm very
interested in this! A friend and I are planning a "Weird America" tour
and we thought it would be interesting put the immortal words of Jacq
Cousteau into action "We must go and see for ourselves." The main
question is the area in question on government property? If so the last
leg of our "tour" will also be gov. property and that could possibly
cause a problem. - Zac Miller

BTW, I'd love any ideas for stops on our "Wierd America" tour!!
So far we have (in order): The Smithsonian
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon Caverns
Las Vegas :)
Rachel Nevada (Area 51)
And Coral Castle on our way
That's been a very long time ago and I probably trashed that email.
They said any hiking shop in the area would have such a map, it would be
cool to get one and scan in the relevant sections but not be TOO PUBLIC
about interest to prevent them getting tighter on security...

If you are wanting to see neat places, don't forget the Mystery Spot in
Santa Cruz(?), Vortex Hill in Oregon....there are a lot of these across
the country and if you go back through this list you will find at least
one URL which gives the locations of many of these gravity deviation
sites...if you get a chance, you might want to trip down to Mexico and
check out the Acambero dig where they found statues of dinosaurs eating
humans and in one instance, a small tableu statue showing a human female
having sex with a small about bizarre...the claim is the
natives dream this up, then plant the statues and that is probably true
as in many such sites in the world...however, people are free to dig for
themselves and the statues do just appear out of the earth from any
depth you want....there is supposed to be a local house with at least 5
large rooms full of these statues and figurines...I've seen a few of the
pictures and a guy in Arizona told me he had a coffee table size color
photo book that was published many years ago...I wanted him to scan in
some of those pictures but he did not....always interested me though not
'technically' related to free energy, etc....but it indicates, IF TRUE,
some serious discrepancies in what is taught as history...

I'll cogitate on other sites that you might want to sure to
take a video camera, a digital camera and a still 135 SLR in case you
find something really cool....good luck!

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187