Re: Canyon.txt

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 20:20:57 -0500

>BTW, I'd love any ideas for stops on our "Wierd America" tour!!
>So far we have (in order): The Smithsonian
> Grand Canyon
> Grand Canyon Caverns
> Las Vegas :)
> Rachel Nevada (Area 51)
> And Coral Castle on our way home.

How well-documented do the phenomena have to be? If you want to go on
speculation alone, Montauk might be good :)

Then there's the Aurora, Texas, alien grave (if the stone with the flying
saucer on it is still there -- it might've disappeared.)

The Denver International Airport has some bizarre artwork. We've all seen
Masonic keystones in buildings, but this is completely over-the-top. I'll
find the web address of a site with pictures of it all if you're not
familiar with it.

How about cell #17 in the old Carbon County, Pennsylvania, jail? There's a
handprint on the wall that was placed there by a man who was about to be
executed who swore he was innocent. They painted over the handprint. It
reappeared. They replaced the plaster. It reappeared. I haven't visited
it yet, but it was still there a few years ago when it was on a TV program,
I'm not sure which one. It should still be there -- they don't let people
try to destroy it anymore.

Further north in the coal region, there's another Smithsonian connection. A
man claims to have found petrified human remains in 3-million-year-old
strata. I don't think they're terribly convincing, and neither does the
Smithsonian, but you can check it out for yourself at

--"Withdraw in disgust is not the same thing as apathy."  --R.E.M.