Good Vibrations

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 23:25:00 +1300

Hello all,

Talking about vibrations, I noted a worrying, yet at the same time rather
amusing phenomenon a few days ago. I had ventured to a cousins house where
he was "babysitting" a 150Watt RMS twin speaker Amp. Accordingly I was
accompanied by Music Keyboard, Computer and other music related gear. The
Music Keyboard was placed on top of the amp as there was no where else to
put it.

Later on I played a few MP3's through the amp and wandered around the room.
I walked over to a thin, pottery plate hanging on the wall which was
"buzzing" quite happily to some of the bass notes (sometimes buzzing was an
understatement). So without want to destroy cutlery I was about to turn the
amp down when my cousin pointed to the Keyboard and just laughed. Before my
very eyes, un-aided by any hand, a key pressed itself down, stayed down for
about a second, then rose back up again. It was always on the same
frequency sound from the amp. Then another thing happened...another key
decided to join in. As the frequency was slightly different we watched a
bobbing contest between the two keys. We were a little disappointed that
none of the other keys wished to participate. In fear of causing permanent
harm we decided to turn the volume down a little.

Not entirely relevant, but highly entertaining.
