Newmans motor.. self running..

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 14:56:21 -0500

Newish for thought..

Saw the video of Jeans latest video (realvideo on the net) of the
5 minute running Newman motor he made. Some interesting
comments to his observations are provided.

1. He accounts for the capacitors energy when disconnected
from the AC power (nice job too), however, he does not
account for the kinetic energy of the mass rotating, which
would be 1/2 mV^2. This also has to run down.. to zero I guess.

2. With the magnet rotating... there is a "free dynamic" energy
that is being used to generate power.. in the B-Field. To find
that out.. one integrates over the area and squares the magnetic
induction field. Now, since power is being generated by the
magnetic field rotating, there is a counter emf generated. Since
the rotor is slowing and energy being produced.. it takes much
longer to come to a stop... thus really not "overunity" .. just a
slowly decreasing energy source. :(

3. Jeans last comments suggest that the 'sparking' is not only
the key.. but that is must be 'white', 'hissing' and must also be
extinguished. The extinguishing is KEY. The arc must be
extinguished, and then the negative pulse comes.. Interesting
as in the Dirac function!

My thoughts now on this Newman motor.. is that it can not be
made to "selfpower", or run on it's own energy. Even with the
free magnetic field rotating (dynamic energy!) it consumes
more power just to rotate the mass then energy produced
from the field. Now the cold .2 degree decrease in temp
of the unit when under power does have me stumped. There
could be some negative entropy there but certainly not

Next steps for this unit? I'd like to see higher voltage and larger
white arcs and hissing. Instead of 625 volts, more like 1,600 volts
would be better for arcs. Tesla mentions that high potential is
what is required. Also shorter arcing or more Dirac pulses would
be another. That is full on and full open contacts.. instead of total
arcing. Tesla used a magnetic field to 'blow' his arcs out and
then it would regenerate an arc again on its own. This should be
investigated. What is needed is to make many many Dirac pulses
in a short period of time. I think this is the secret...

Just my thoughts and observations.. thus far.

v/r Ken Carrigan