The solution Re: The problem

John Berry ( )
Wed, 06 Jan 1999 20:18:37 +1300

Here is a challenge, do you have a better idea? An idea to get free
energy in our homes and antigravity in our cars that has not been tried
over and over again over the last how long.

Otherwise you choosing stagnation effectively wrote:

> If was easy it would have been done already.

I was trying to be funny, sorry only I get my jokes.

> Perhaps it has and got clobbered or squelched as some
> like Bedini and Searl have said happened to them.
> There are some forces in the world that don't want to
> see this come about. It might be better to share information
> openly so it is not concentrated in one person's mind or
> location and then lost. With all of us scattered about the
> world and sharing this information we can definitely get there
> faster and it is less likely to be suppressed.
> I don't know how any funds would be doled out
> to participants. I don't need funds now. I need time.
> The problem is working a normal full time job to pay the
> bills and do this too with 3 kids in the house.
> This is my issue ...time not money.

Well some people can give plenty of time, others a little time and work
and some money, Believe me we will not get far without some money so if
money is not a problem for you then great, we need you!

I don't have money nor skill in construction but I have time and
dedication to the cause, that's how a team works, You can help out with
money if you want to help but can't spare time or skill.

> I think frank discussion between all of us on relevant topics
> and periodic reporting of progress either positive or negative
> is a good way to keep things moving. JL Naudin is doing
> this. Don't see it much on this network.

No, and few are experimenting to have anything to report, that is what
this group is for methodical experimentation.

> My push is to find something practical to turn into a viable
> power source of FE that can be manufactured economically
> and reliably. I am not interested in lab curiosities unless they
> point me in that direction. I am willing to look at anything, but
> if it doesn't really work then it goes on the discard pile.
> I agree with Jerry Decker. Prove it or don't make the claim.
> If you are working towards this then share the info so we can
> keep everyone pointed the right way and avoid reinventing the wheel
> by trying things that have already been proven not to work.
> We don't have the time to waste here (or the money).

Well while I think that's forgetting that people may have the right idea
but can't make it, Everyone has ideas and how do you judge them fairly
so everyone is their own judge and you only make it if you (and if your
lucky a few good friends) can do it otherwise it does not get made, this
will empower those people somewhat but will mainly go to replicating
claims. (in other words it must already be claimed to have functioned as
well as testing current claims of working devices correctly)

John Berry