Re: The Unified Research Foundation of Alternative

John Berry ( )
Wed, 06 Jan 1999 19:59:48 +1300

Please read this whole message written by Marinus Berghuis, I extracted the most
important part and pasted it below:

>I can see where some Keely net experimenters come from but I was surprised
>to hear Jerry Decker has some 35 years of been there and done that so we
>have to break the cycle of futility and make the group experimenters pull
>out all stops because now they have a certain goal and they will know with
>certainty that a worthwhile idea is going to be successful in more ways than
>one !

Marinus Berghuis wrote:

> At 12:38 6/01/99 +1300, you wrote:
> >Ok, We've got 7 now offical members of the "Unified Research Foundation
> >of Alternative Physics"
> >
> >John Berry
> >Marinus Berghuis
> >Nigel Howie
> >Nick Field
> >Thomas Mccoy
> >Dusy Rhodes
> >Manfred Boller
> >
> John,
> The group has to be formed up into a shareholding company as mentioned before.
> This does not have to be done with lawyers (God forbid).
> It can be an incorporated society or a partnership sharing information on
> a regular basis, duly signed up with a simple document witnessed by a
> Justice of the Peace.
> Initially, because of the distances involved between individual members,
> different times etc, I envisage the group to share their know how and
> experience by assisting each other by studying problems found after having
> been informed by the experimenter.
> It would help a great deal if the group could actually select an item say
> Joe's cell and all of them give their full attention to every detail.
> The member with the lathe,ability to manufacture does so as before but has
> the use of the brains trust when snags are found.Not with a letter on the
> Keely net that may or may not be looked at with all the irrelevant trash
> accompanying same, but to a group that has given a pledge to study the
> problem in depth.
> Someone in the group is bound to be a theorist and others like to tinker
> with motor cars or engines.

Agreed, one thing at a time. (or until the capacity is large enough to carry many)

> I have tried two obtain patents for some quite simple ideas and got them
> written up (Lawyers cost $ 750.00 each) To find that the actual setting up
> of the thing to manufacture was out of this world, so the idea collapsed
> for the want of funds.
> Unless you can interest some capitalist to underwrite the thing,which in
> many cases is extremely difficult because inventers are usually regarded as
> crackpots anyway and capitalists are never or very seldom indeed
> philantropists. One of my best friends has more money than he will ever
> need but when it comes to parting with it the interest payments kill
> everything before it starts.
> You look at most patents and you will find the same thing.

Agreed, no patents.

> The latest I read about is a rotary engine in Australia, no valves, camshaft
> and only three moving parts. Supposedly burns super efficient, toxin free
> and the automotive industry is not interested! So the man has worked for 10
> years to get his idea off the ground to find he has to start selling
> locally small versions to farmers for their pumps to gather capital for
> further models.
> This is crazy and that is where the foundation would shine.
> As a shareholding partnership, the foundation can raise funds to
> manufacture without much difficulty and even obtain research grants from
> various scources if it was set up as a non profit organisation.
> Once a project has been completed to it's conclusion, the foundation
> obtains the patent and works it to it's maximum profit potential.
> >From then on shareholders become paid researchers and so obtain a reward
> financially.
> This of course needs the luxury of trust but without it nothing will work
> and as duly signed up members of the foundation, you could never be done
> out of your share or your heirs for that matter.
> I can see where some Keely net experimenters come from but I was surprised
> to hear Jerry Decker has some 35 years of been there and done that so we
> have to break the cycle of futility and make the group experimenters pull
> out all stops because now they have a certain goal and they will know with
> certainty that a worthwhile idea is going to be succesful in more ways than
> one !
> If an experimenter want the kudos, you can always call the patent by his
> name providing it was his idea first !! But it will belong to the
> Foundation.!!
> My view is you can never take anything with you when you die so why try to
> amass idotic fortunes which does nothing else but rob the manual worker of
> his just rewards.
> My view for what it is worth and feel free to pass it on.
> Ren

Thank you and I agree entirely, I will edit it and post it to the list.