Re: Sorry

Steve ( )
Mon, 04 Jan 1999 18:09:04 -0500

> I suppose my statement 'I don't see why your getting all excited about
> time travel' was a bit drastic. I think the film Terminator 2 has
> messed up my vision of time travel, but a say careless time traveller
> left a disease (for arguments sake, say measles) in the 2nd century AD
> in China. The consequences would staggering, it could wipe out most
> of Asia and Africa.

The effects of bringing a disease back in time wouldn't be in your own
timeline.. it would alter a parallel timeline, but you would still
exist. If you were born in Asia, and you accidentally took a
disease back in time, it couldn't affect your birth.. you were born,
so you can't change that.. You could however stop many other versions
of yourself from being born.. which is still very bad, but unless you
went time travelling again you'd never see any evidence of anything


p.s. I often use examples from Star Trek to explain some of my ideas
about time, but in general I disagree with the way they view time..
Same goes for Terminator.. (excellent movies btw!!) I thought that was
pretty cool, how the scientist found the microchip in the robot arm
and designed a supercomputer which in turn built the robots that got
sent back in time.. so.. where did the original circuit/plans come
from? (I know it's only a movie, but it's an interesting question..)
Ahh debates on time are fun. hehe..

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