Re: Sorry

Robert Keddie ( )
Mon, 04 Jan 1999 20:56:52 -0500

Steve wrote:

> The effects of bringing a disease back in time wouldn't be in your own
> timeline.. it would alter a parallel timeline, but you would still
> exist.

Doesnt saying there is a parallel timeline mean in essence that there
are otheror altered consciousnesses of ourselves? That there is more
than one of eachof us? And how many?
Also , whose to say we arent the original timeline?
What if the other parallel timelines are trying to cause to happen what
is already occuring here? what if we are the
result of another timelines efforts to thwart events?

> If you were born in Asia, and you accidentally took a
> disease back in time, it couldn't affect your birth.. you were born,
> so you can't change that..

Just as u cant change the fact u were born so u cant change the fact of
what happened in the past that u are trying to change
correct? If we did, i believe, that one..there would be no alternate
timeline made...the change would occur and be assimilated
into the timeline and those following it would never know the
difference...except maybe for the one who caused it.
But i also tend to think that time is in our own heads...just as each of
us has different we have different
realizations of what time is. I think there are as many timelines as
there are people...each with their own timeline to thwart
and direct..yet each one contributing the universal timeline as a
whole...for one to go back in time...and change what happened
yes...change would occur...but it would only change to the person
changing others following it , it would be history.
To say that an alternate timeline would occur is a desire to avoid the
ultimate question which is how will this all
end up if time travel did occur.
I believe taht at the end of this timeline, no matter what any of us do,
time travel and all....its all planned out as to how it will end and
theres nothing we can do about it. whether there are alternate timelines
or not...they will all have the same ending.