Chat room

Fred Epps ( (no email) )
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:16:28 -0700

Hi Jerry and all!

I think the chat room works very well in theory (like everything ;-) but in
practice it is a different matter.
In practice what happens is that I go there and if I get into a serious
discussion with anyone various features of the room begin to get
These include
-having to manually refresh to see new conversation. I go to "who is here"
then back to refresh to speed up the process but it is still annoying and
time consuming.
-being taken off after 5 minutes, which leads to...
-checking the chat room "door" and seeing that no one is inside, and going
in and discovering there are people there (this has happened several times
to me, I have stopped paying attention to the number indicated)

Probably you have already had suggestions to move the Keely chat to a
java-enabled room like

I want to add my voice to the chorus. Conversation goes quickly and there
aren't these frustrations.
Realistically, what happens when I run into someone interesting (and
they're ALL interesting :-) in Keely chat is I try to drag them over to
this other room. Then I periodically go back to retrieve others. This is
counterproductive and defeats the whole purpose of the chat room.
I understand that some people are not java-enabled, I have no idea what
percentage. Obviously if it is the majority then we need to stick with the
way things are.
Please understand that I'm very appreciative of what you are providing in
Keely Chat and in fact in your whole site. There is nothing else like it
anywhere and it is irreplaceable. I don't mean to snipe, and I have no
idea of what is involved computer wise, being one of those despised
computer illiterates that can barely open windows :-) and a THEORIST to
boot! Gads!! :-)
