Re: Seeking Numerology

Remy Chevalier ( (no email) )
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 07:10:17 PDT

Michael Olson writes:

>Hi All,
> I've become seriously interested in numerology latley. Does anyone
>any info on why in numerology the numbers only go up to nine? There are
>seven colors of the spectrum, seven notes on a scale, why nine numbers?
>And speaking of the spectrum I heard from a science student years ago
>that there weren't really seven colors, but six. Newton picked seven
>of a theory, and because he was an alchemist. Any truth to this? The
>seventh being indigo I believe.
> Later,
> Michael
Dear Michael,

You may want to pick up a book called In Search Of The Miraculous
written by a mathematician called Ouspenski over 50 years ago. It deals
with what they call "Le Nombre D'Or" in French, which I think the Masons
call the "golden means" over here. It attempts to describe the harmonics
of scales in man and nature. There's been a lot of other writings since,
but this was really the first time in print that a westerner started
looking into these questions with an eastern perpective. So, if
anything, it might give you some historical perspective on current
research. There's also a little newsletter called "Resonance" put out by
a chapter of Mensa in Florida dedicated to bioelectromagnetics. You can
find the address listed in Factsheet Five, a quarterly directory of the
alternative press sold in the magazine section of Barnes & Noble

I recall a book that came out in the 70's called "Supersensonics" which
if my memory serves me right, had lots of graphs, charts and pictures or
corolations between light waves and sounds waves. The last book I found
in a University library that dealt with connections between the two was
called "Light Waves & Sound Waves", published in 1953, which gave rise
to the microwave communications industry. Since then, total black out
I'm afraid on the civilian front, although I havn't looked into it

Hope this helps...
Remy C.

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