Re: Project Omicron

Steve ( )
Mon, 25 May 1998 23:11:39 -0400

Kyle R. Mcallister wrote:

> Hello all:
> Does anyone here have any info on James Tracy's "Project Omicron"? I have been studying it often, but cannot find any real substance behind what it is.

Hi Kyle,

In general, it's a project to discover the nature of gravity, and possibly construct a working anti-gravity device. I have spoken with Jim Tracy several
times (he's on my ICQ contact list actually, but I haven't spoken to him recently) and I haven't heard much about the project. He recently wrote a book on
his theory, and has apparently been discussing it with Dr. Podkletnov(sp?).. Other than that, I don't know much about the project, except for the fact that
I offered to redesign their website, and they used the title graphic I made for a bunch of t-shirts. ;)


Here's the graphic if anyone is interested in seeing it.. nothing to do with Project Omicron except for the name tho.. ;)


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