Re: Negative energy extraction ?

Dave ( )
Sun, 24 May 1998 01:36:25 -0700

....hmmm, this guys logic gives new meaning to:

a) "For every action, there is an even and opposite reaction"




Marcelo Puhl wrote:
> Robert Calloway wrote :
> >Hello All,
> >
> >The way I think to extract negative potential from the nucleus is to "fool"
> >the nucleus, much as we do DC potential being led into a capacitor.
> >The nucleus thinks it has found a way to ground and to its suprise.. the path
> >is open. Thats why I get more potential in a circuit than hooking up straight
> >to a battery. You are directly killing your battery by connecting straight to
> >it. I myself have wondered...if positive potential can be gotten from a
> >magnetic field around a coil. What about negative potential?
> >Why does barium ferrite have to be used?
> >I think if positive potential can be gotten, wich we do.
> >Negative potential can be "RECIEVED" from the same magnet.
> >Notice...I said recieved.
> >We should be able to "fool" the nucleus by sending potential to us!
> >As I have explained before, positive potential is a "defensive" response from
> >a moving magnetic field.
> >Now..what if we set this situation up as a pumped phase conjugate mirror?
> >Sound familar? Using my thoughts with the nucleus being a defense system?
> >WOW...a whole new ball game. We should be able to set up identical coils with
> >the same identical frequencies of the magnet to recieve negative potential.
> >With the positive potential induced into one coil the nucleus reacts violently
> >pumping the same magnet.
> >But actually "fooling" the nucleus in the recieving coil.
> >The electrons and protons are "not" out of balance in the recieving coil, but
> >the nucleus puts forth pure negative potential thinking they are.
> >Negative energy flows down the recieving coil with no resistance.
> >A load downline from the recieving coil causes negative potential to flow.
> >No heating, just pure negative potential.
> >Any comments?
> >Regards, Robert H. Calloway
> I was thinking : we have to discover a way to produce a magnetic field on a
> coil with a magnet inside and be able to extract ONLY the reaction field from
> the magnet, not the induced coil field.
> Maybe Sweet have did it...
> The Greg Watson's PMOD effect seems to be something to experiment with.
> ---
> Marcelo Puhl