Negative energy extraction ?

Marcelo Puhl ( (no email) )
Sun, 24 May 1998 00:19:08 -3

Robert Calloway wrote :

>Hello All,
>The way I think to extract negative potential from the nucleus is to "fool"
>the nucleus, much as we do DC potential being led into a capacitor.
>The nucleus thinks it has found a way to ground and to its suprise.. the path
>is open. Thats why I get more potential in a circuit than hooking up straight
>to a battery. You are directly killing your battery by connecting straight to
>it. I myself have wondered...if positive potential can be gotten from a
>magnetic field around a coil. What about negative potential?
>Why does barium ferrite have to be used?
>I think if positive potential can be gotten, wich we do.
>Negative potential can be "RECIEVED" from the same magnet.
>Notice...I said recieved.
>We should be able to "fool" the nucleus by sending potential to us!
>As I have explained before, positive potential is a "defensive" response from
>a moving magnetic field.
>Now..what if we set this situation up as a pumped phase conjugate mirror?
>Sound familar? Using my thoughts with the nucleus being a defense system?
>WOW...a whole new ball game. We should be able to set up identical coils with
>the same identical frequencies of the magnet to recieve negative potential.
>With the positive potential induced into one coil the nucleus reacts violently
>pumping the same magnet.
>But actually "fooling" the nucleus in the recieving coil.
>The electrons and protons are "not" out of balance in the recieving coil, but
>the nucleus puts forth pure negative potential thinking they are.
>Negative energy flows down the recieving coil with no resistance.
>A load downline from the recieving coil causes negative potential to flow.
>No heating, just pure negative potential.
>Any comments?
>Regards, Robert H. Calloway

I was thinking : we have to discover a way to produce a magnetic field on a
coil with a magnet inside and be able to extract ONLY the reaction field from
the magnet, not the induced coil field.

Maybe Sweet have did it...

The Greg Watson's PMOD effect seems to be something to experiment with.
