Re: Virtual Sandtable and the mysterious "quack"?

Hexslinger ( )
Wed, 20 May 1998 00:48:13 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 20 May 1998, Matthew Redmond wrote:

> eh?
> who's chladni? waveplates sound interesting...more input.

Chladni, as I recall, is the guy who used vibrating waveplates which used
'sand' (I think?) so he could see the interference patterns caused by

> Trust me, I have limited knowledge of COBOL and C. The most advanced
> things I did in C were pointers and some arrays!

You wouldn't need much knowledge beyond that. (COBOL is evil, BTW). :)

> Unfortunately, not being a scientist in the field of radio telescopes, I
> have no idea what the information looks like when received from space. I
> might have to do some reading when I have time.

Well, if all you want to do is just provide some arbitrary frequencies and
see what their interference pattern looks like, you shouldn't have any
problems. I don't have any idea what the format is for the data coming
from radio telescopes is either, so I cant help you there.