Re: Virtual Sandtable

Hexslinger ( )
Tue, 19 May 1998 23:33:29 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 20 May 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Hex et al!
> Conspiracies? How are 'psychic healing' and 'crop circles' remotely
> related to conspiracies??

Jerry - check your blood pressure. It was a joke. Lighten up, damnit!
You've been on edge. Really!

> A simple question about Chladni waveplates and how to image them via a
> computer program isn't remotely related to a conspiracy.. It was simply
> a question about how it could be done in software.

I wasn't referring to that, now was I?

> Nor is the anecdote that I wrote up which appears to be an antitime
> phenomenon and which I've not seen yet, but which specifically referred
> to what I would consider major physical damage that was reversed by some
> odd process and recorded on video in lieu of just taking the witness'
> word for it. I presented it only because it correlated with phenomena
> that I think an understandig of negative entropy and thus antitime could
> produce.

I wasn't commenting upon that, I was offering a simpler explanation.
Occam's Razor, remember?

> But your baby and bathwater dismissal of both of these innocuous posts
> tied in to some bizarre link to conspiracies just makes no sense
> whatsoever. Gee, guy, get a grip and make some positive contributions.
Funny, I was about to say the EXACT same thing to you. Take a look around
at some of the discussion I've sparked on here -- so don't tell ME about
making positive contributions. :)