Re: Hodowanec

Doug Renner ( )
Mon, 18 May 1998 14:38:46 -0500

Cal Schindel wrote:

> Just got thru looking at the Greg Hodowanec gravity wave detector stuff
> at <> and the
> question comes back to me: If a capacitor of 10kuf might get a couple of
> millivolts, how much might a capicitor measuring five feet by twenty
> feet by two feet get me?

One clarification - I believe it's not the voltage, but the modulations in
current through the capacitor which drive the Hodowanec detectors. The
op-amps are configured as "current to voltage" translators. It's therefore
less likely changes of charge, and more likely changes in impedence which
would be the key factor with respect to Hodowanec circuits.

This is a clarification only to the relevance of Hodowanec's circuits to
your underlying question, the latter of which I have not addressed in the

Doug Renner