Hodowanec detectors

Fred Epps ( (no email) )
Fri, 15 May 1998 15:00:41 -0700

Hi Keelnetters!

I am a new subscriber. I've been going back through the archives looking
for things I'm interested in. Lots!
The first thing that got my attention was the Hodowanec thread.

Doug Renner wrote on 18 May:

One clarification - I believe it's not the voltage, but the modulations in
current through the capacitor which drive the Hodowanec detectors. The
op-amps are configured as "current to voltage" translators. It's therefore
less likely changes of charge, and more likely changes in impedence which
would be the key factor with respect to Hodowanec circuits.

I am encouraged to hear this. I suspected as much but I didn't know enough
about opamps to be sure.
It fits in with one of my theories.
There is good reason to think that there will be high frequency variations
of the permittivity of free space which might be picked up by a capacitor.
The physicist Alfozon talks about how the renormalization problems of
quantum mechanics (infinite charge at infinitely small distances from an
electron, for instance) can be resolved if the velocity of light is
oscillating or indeterminate. This gives, through some math I don't
understand, a small rest mass for the photon.
The interesting thing that I don't think Alfozon ever mentioned is that
this means that the permittivity and permeability of free space must be
oscillating as well, since the velocity of light is based on them (or vice
This oscillation means that a capacitor might develop a charge
spontaneously- which is what appears to happen-- as small random charges on
the capacitor are amplified parametrically. In other words, free space is
like a parametric pump. As the permittivity decreases the C of the
capacitor decreases and the voltage must increase to maintain the relation
E = 1/2CV^2.
This process would be very inefficient normally as the capacitor is a
static system, not in resonance with the frequency of parametric pumping.
A capacitor and inductor in a tank circuit that resonates with a frequency
half that of the "permittivity oscillation frequency" might develop a
current. Unfortunately we don't know what that frequency is, but it is
probably very high.
This does not nullify a connection of the Hodowanec- type detectors with
gravity. See


For an interesting paper that models gravitation and general relativity in
terms of an LC tank circuit.
