(fwd) Psi field unification theory

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( jshaffer@csrlink.net )
Fri, 15 May 1998 02:24:54 GMT

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From: Craig Berry <bsnt@s130.aone.net.au>
Newsgroups: sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Psi field unification theory
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 16:14:17 +1000
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I am not a physicist. Nor am I especially conversant with the theories
and musings of the many great minds that have probed our existence. I
am someone who has been blessed or cursed, depending on the point of
view, with an insatiably curious mind. Now here I will curse my lack
of education in the field of physics, and hope that the reader will make
some allowances for terms that I might use slightly out of
scientifically correct grammatical context.

In Ervin Laszlo's book, "The Whispering Pond", he described the logical
existence of a theoretical Psi field. Working with his label, in this
paper I wish to quantify the existence and nature of the Psi field
beyond reasonable doubt. I will not be taking my examples to the final
and most detailed degrees, and exploring every possible proof. This I
will, at this stage, leave to you, the reader. In a paper to be
released later this year, I will be exploring further the phenomena of
the Psi field, and its impact on our concept of our world.

The challenges faced by a proto universe are described in Professor
Laszlo's book. After exploring the facts of physics and nature as we
know them, we arrive at the ultimate conclusion that life (by current
standards and knowledge) is highly improbable, and the right conditions
developing (unaided) for life to form is even less so. What if life
itself, the very force that is the activating principal of
conglomerations of unlikely chemical combinations we call 'bio', creates
this field? Wouldn't this answer some questions.

We already know that life is an energy producing (or utilising)
phenomena. Some of the energies are easy to see and measure, like
heat, sound, and electricity. Other energies are not yet quantified,
(but will be just as easy to find in the extremely near future, as the
measuring devices exist in form, but are not yet being used in the
direction this paper might take them).

In this paper, I will prove the logic of the notion that life produces,
and is maintained by, an energy field that is the very fundamental
origin of matter and the other field phenomena observed by modern
physicists. To use the term coined by Professor Laszlo in his book, it
is the Psi (Psi) field.

The possibility of this being the mechanism, or media at least, of an
omniscient holographic memory will not be discussed in this paper, but
in an upcoming paper, as the use of Psi as a mechanism of space travel
will potentially expose its participants to this memory and knowledge

It is also with some hesitation that I publish this, the first of a
series of papers, as the energies and forces described have huge
potential for use, and misuse. As Einstein's work developed many
aspects of nuclear medicine, and breakthroughs in our capabilities of
observing the universe, it also lead to the development, and use, of
weapons of mass destruction.


Precept - Life is the creator of the Psi Field. All life is
intrinsically and irrevocably interconnected by the Psi field. All
matter is of Psi energy, and is reliant upon the Psi field's integrity
for its basic existence.

All of life, and its resultant matter, is continuously creating and
maintaining the Psi field. The possible existence of the Psi field
should no longer be under discussion as more than enough experiments
conducted in all parts of the world have shown the interrelated nature
of matter, organisms and minds on a micro and macro scale.

The Psi field is not a static field, but an extremely dynamic and
energetic omnidirectional field as I will evidence shortly. Its
dynamic is such that one has to resort to large numbers to place any
value to the forces involved.

Physicists Akimov, Shipov and Binghi, in their "torsion field theory of
the physical vacuum" have measured what they call 'torsion waves'
travelling at quantified velocities of 109C. Rather than being a wave
in the zero point physical vacuum, their own conclusions would be
justified completely if applied to a dynamic Psi field, concluding that
what they are measuring are disturbances in the Psi field itself. A
'blank spot' in the mobile dynamic of the field itself.

If the Psi field is actually this dynamic, and its energy moves at a
billion times the speed of light, or there about, it essentially means
that all life and all matter is intrinsically interconnected to the
point where something happens in one part of the universe, it is
quasi-simultaneously 'known' (or 'felt') throughout the remainder.

For the Psi field to be this dynamic, communication and empathy between
one part of the universe and another becomes virtually instantaneous.
This sounds all wonderful and warm, but how do we justify and prove its

Another point to be made here, as I have already alluded to the
omnidirectional nature of this field, is the possibility that forces can
operate in counterpoint to each other, cancelling to some degree their
effect on objects within their fields, but doing no harm to the vitality
of the individual counterpoised forces.

Consider a simple fair ground attraction that provides a centrifugal
'gravity' to its riders, to allow a full 360o vertical loop to be
performed. Such a ride does not make gravity itself vanish, or even
any less potent, it just provides enough counter-force to momentarily
cancel the immediate effects of gravity upon the car and its riders.
Thus, unlike moving matter opposing moving matter, where collision and
energy transformation takes place, forces can and do 'move' in contrary
directions, without one adversely effecting the vitality of the other,
but having profound effect on objects within their combined sphere of


Understanding the mechanics of Psi versus matter (matter itself is Psi
energy, which we will discuss shortly) is extendable to understanding
phenomena like black holes and super masses. The challenge to the
educated reader is that this is a "grand unifying theory" and it is
simple. So simple in fact that in many ways, I feel that it has been a
case of too many trees occluding the view of the forest. I challenge
all who read this to place aside a need for complex theorems, and look
at this as a real possibility. The beauty of this concept lies in its