Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Fri, 8 May 1998 13:28:36 +1200

Dave Wrote:

> Have you observed each day of your life, where you desire something to
> eat or drink that you
> either have not had for some time, or something you desire to consume
> most often? This I believe
> is your body communicating (a frequency signal) to your sub-conscious
> and in turn to your
> conscious, which makes you have these kind of wants/desires. Atomic
> communications if you will!

I'm really in the mood for a McDonald's Burger, what do you think that

Just had a thought. Do the "flavour enhancers" put in food like McD's
burgers, actually fool the body into thinking that it is getting the "right
frequencies"? Are your taste buds, and nostrils programmed to pick up
certain frequencies in the food/drink to tell you "Oi, Your lacking in that
there frequency". The "flavour enhancers" would be the mask, overpowering
the other frequencies acting like a diversion, letting the "not so good"
frequencies (ie the burger) pass down into the stomach undetected.

Oh well,