Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Thu, 07 May 1998 20:23:12 +0600

Hi Jerry!

I've been thinking about the vibrational characteristics of ALL matter
and energy.

Since all atomic elements have their own signature frequencies, and when
they are mixed with
others, newer combination frequencies are also produced. The same holds
true for all the foods
we consume as well.

Our bodies must have a certain variety of nutrients in order to enhance
growth and reinforce
the immunity systems. I have heard it stated that each persons' body
requires certain types
of vitamins (atoms) compared to others for various health related
reasons. I've also read
about the human chakras being vitally important to a persons' physical
and mental health.
These chakra points are of different frequencies as well, and to prove
that, just ask a psychic
healer. They can "see" the different colours associated with the
different chakras, determine
what frequency is lacking, and enhance it to restore good health to the
sick person/animal!

Now, if people get sick, physically and mentally, is it not sensible to
say that they are lacking
certain atoms or at least the signature frequencies of certain atoms
within themselves?

Maybe these thoughts add more validity to the ongoing RIFE frequency
therapy practice. ...Atom
magnetic alignments and resonations.

Have you observed each day of your life, where you desire something to
eat or drink that you
either have not had for some time, or something you desire to consume
most often? This I believe
is your body communicating (a frequency signal) to your sub-conscious
and in turn to your
conscious, which makes you have these kind of wants/desires. Atomic
communications if you will!

In reality, when we eat food, WE EAT FREQUENCIES!

..think I'll go have a bowl of...
