Update on the Minato wheel

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 30 Apr 1998 12:21:46 -0500

Hi Michael, Dan, Tom, et al!

I sent an email to Bob Vermillion asking about what happened to the
Minato demo units he was to get in January, then in April. He just
called at 11:45 this morning and said he had yet to receive any devices
from Japan. He said there was to be a demonstration in Mexico City but
the dates and other details are not yet decided.

I asked Bob how his company played a part in the Minato saga. He said
Polenetics was owned by a Japanese fellow (something like Mr.Fujiyama?)
who had bought the rights to Minato's power generation device which
includes the self-running magnetic bicycle wheel.

I explained that my concern and main focus was on this simple PoP
version of a self-running bicycle wheel because their is MUCH LESS ROOM
FOR ERROR in a self-running device.

Bob did confirm that the 450 watt Minato generator DOES REQUIRE OUTSIDE
POWER TO RUN, but that it was overunity. I explained why this sounds
great, but until it is self-running, with NO OUTSIDE SOURCE OF POWER,
there is probably an error.

This came up with regard to a comment from my original email which Bob
said he found humorous, about a fellow who posted that he had contacts
in Japan who said 'Minato had been proven a fraud over there'.....he
said this was NOT the case and that Nippon (NHK) television almost
didn't cover the recent expo where the Minato device was featured,
because the claims were too wild to believe...however, they DID cover it
and arranged for special interview and demos with Minato.

Bob also says he believes CNN did broadcast this material on their Asian
network. I said I'd love to see that even if it was in Japanese!!

Bob said he had about 13 hours of videotape from this recent expo in
Japan. I explained how important it was for Minato to jump on this
because there are others working on such technology, specicially the
Bessler/Orrfyreus wheel and WHEN that is publicly released, it will have
a decidedly negative impact on the Minato wheel because they would have
missed the boat. With Bessler, it will be just weights, no magnets.

He realizes this COULD very well happen, but they must comply with
Minato's wishes as to how much and when the technology (details and
such) are released. He says they want to work on professional video
material and presentations.

I explained that once the basic bicycle wheel device was promoted, all
eyes would turn to it FIRST (because it was PROOF of UNITY) and jump to
the next level of the energy generator machine which his company will be
selling using Minato's design.

Bob is no fool and recognizes how important this is, however, it is my
distinct impression from our conversation that there is a 'rain dance'
going on here which might include paranoia and secrecy on the part of
the inventor, mostly from fear of theft I think.

Well, Bob sounds like a nice guy trying to do some good and make some
bucks on the side. Nothing wrong with that, we all have to make a
living and I'd be happy to buy one of the bicycle wheels FIRST to prove
the principle, then consider a 450 watt power generator version ONCE I

Bob says he did not intend for all of this to come out publicly on the
InterNet but no harm has been done. I explained that it hasn't really
been all over the net, to my knowledge, only on my page and a couple of
private mailing lists.

He said that was fine, but they would prefer not to have a lot of
attention drawn to them just yet. IMO, this means there are miles to go
yet and until more details are ironed out, we might be causing more
damage than good, so please hold off on asking for too much proof at
this point. So far a couple of conferences, a few interviews, nothing

Bob says he will continue to push for the bicycle wheel and/or power
generator demo units so they could be shown or videotaped and keep us

Both Bob and Minato are well aware that a good video of an open
mechanical device can be duplicated. To enhance confidence in the
device, all details must be shown as well as how it operates.

For now, maybe a surprise in the near future, but at this point money is
involved, so we'll just have to wait for the wheels of marketing to take
over. I'm hoping Bob will have a working bicycle wheel which would be
WORTH A FLIGHT TO LA to see, perhaps he can videotape it and sell the
tape, which I'd surely like to see and buy a copy of (as one many others
if it shows details!!).

Never say die, we'll get there one way or another. You have to BE
imbalanced to UNDERSTAND how imbalance works!!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187