Re: Hands on URLs

Dr Jones ( )
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 14:25:13 +1200

At 20:17 27/04/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello Dr. Jones, Here are my thoughts on time. Any comments? Robert.
>Attachment Converted: C:\APPS\INTERNET\MAIL\Theory5
The fundamental part of alternative science essentially boils down to
working models. Theories are a dime a dozen. But the correct perception of
any event is a rare find.

Astrophysics is quite a way out of my general knowledge; but it would seem
to me that massive objects like stars utilise physics which we are still
coming to grips with. IMHO, we know very little about the universe; about
the best we can do is point the Hubble in some direction and peer across
galaxy after galaxy in a vain attempt to see the end of the universe or -
even vainer - record all these galaxies.

But if you think you have something, hit it with all you have. I dont think
that Einstein was entirely right; I think that Tesla had a better idea, but
unfortunately he never got around to finishing his grand theory.

But what Tesla and Westinghouse both did was to leave us with ac power.

Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room
(the sunscreen song)