Re: Interference patterns

Ray Tomes ( )
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 00:18:09 GMT

On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 06:52:04 -0500, "Jerry W. Decker"
<> wrote:

>About the prediction of of the optimum altitude, date and time for
>atomic blasts, that was Bruce Cathie as written in his books....the way
>I understand it, you CAN get an explosion anytime, but to get the
>OPTIMUM YIELD, it must be at this harmonic convergence that Cathie talks
>about....I think he gives the formula in one of his books...probably
>Harmonic 333...

Jerry, I agree that Cathie started this idea. He is also quite wrong
about it I believe. Basically what he does in Harmonic 33 is to take
the longitude and latitude and time(?) and perform typically 4
mathematical operations until he arrives at something like 33 or 695 or
1695 etc. There is no meaning to the operations performed.

I told a friend at the time this was published that any values could get
be gotten to the 4 digit accuracy he required with 4 operations because
there were about 10 operators available giving 10^4 sequences and
several harmonics to compare to. He said I should prove it and gave me
some numbers. I managed to reduce them all to Cathie's harmonics within
4 operations.

Some of Cathie's work is good, but this idea is entirely wrong IMO.

-- Ray Tomes -- --
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