Re: Negative Energy

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 21:47:20 -0500

Hi Robert!

And I thought you were being RADICAL;

> Negative Energy
> "Magnetism is a creation from potential"
> "Potential is the creation from the atoms nucleus"

> Put the two together, and you have a push and pull effect
> or separate the two and you still have a push and pull effect
> from either one.

> Magnetism once created, can operate independently from potential.

> However if we put the two together again, once magnetism is
> created on the same freqency we get pure cooperation.

> The secret is in the freqency in wich the magnetism was
> created from, being the nucleus of the atom.

> You "HAVE" to match the two together. In other words, throw
> all your magnets away, unless you know that they were created
> from the "exact" same freqency from the same coil that
> created them.

> Make your own magnets and keep them matched to the same coil
> freqency that made them. Set them up in the configuration
> as Floyd Sweet describes and test them out.

> Barium ferrite is hard to find, it is considered a heavy
> metal which won't decay easily in a landfill.

> "The Nut" Robert H. Calloway 3-16-98

So, are you saying that magnets tuned on creation to the same frequency
have overunity possibilities, as with Sweet's claims??

How would you arrange (geometrically) and tap the energy from such a
device? Have you done it?

How come all this stuff goes back to Keely's claim that one tuning fork
in a room of 1000 identical forks will ALL BE EXCITED by striking the
one fork. This is what Hendershot did and what Scott McKie is claiming
even today!

Experiment proposal.

Determine the resonant frequency of a magnet by stimulating it with a
coil on one side, monitoring the input freq and amplitude. Use a coil
on the opposite side as a pickup that will produce an output current
with an amplitude and the same frequency as being transmitted into the

When the output amplitude is GREATEST, that will be the resonant
frequency of that particular magnet.

Stimulate this magnet with the resonant frequency and see if there is
more energy out than in. I think it will be slightly less on the output
than on the input.

Program/grow multiple magnets all with the same frequency, wrap all of
them with their own coil, resonate and stimulate just one of them and
all the 9 will also resonate at the same amplitude (Keely's Augmentation
of Force).

This resonance is moving the magnetic field in the presence of the coil,
causing the cutting of the flux lines by the coil wire and inducing
current. God, I love this!!!!!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187