Re: Live Chat & Website Search

Ray Tomes ( )
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 00:40:57 GMT

On Thu, 16 Apr 1998 07:11:03 -0500, "Jerry W. Decker"
<> wrote:

>What say you folks? Should I pursue this chat room idea?

Yes, great idea Jerry. The idea of scheduled times and speakers is also
great. I would be a starter for a weekly meet or something like that,
perhaps with a speaker at alternate meetings. I would like to offer
myself to speak (or is it "type") and can also provide a list of other
people that I think might be interesting.

Giggling masses are not necessarily a problem. There is software that
allows the organiser, in this case Jerry, to control the privileges of
each participant. You can allow everyone to receive messages and allow
only some to speak. You can toss people off and even bar them from
returning if they are pests. All the features that you want do exist.

>I am currently working on a SEARCH engine for the entire website and
>posting all the KeelyNet BBS files as zipped files for download.

This is also a great idea. I would like to know more about this too so
that I can do the same with my cycles archives. I have Alta Vista
search your own computer, but don't know how (or whether you can) to set
this up as a service to others on my web site.

-- Ray Tomes -- --
Cycles email list --
Boundaries of Science