Re: Aether Precipitation

Ray Tomes ( )
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 00:40:53 GMT

On Thu, 16 Apr 1998 05:58:05 -0500, "Jerry W. Decker"
<> wrote:

> Ray wrote:
>> I think that matter is rarefied aether due to rotation forces
>> (as in a vortex or similar structure). I don't think that the
>> aether goes anywhere substantial; rather it oscillates in place.
>> I do think that energy goes somewhere due to the oscillations
>> moving. I think that what some people call aether is what I
>> call energy or some other structure in the aether.

>Matter is rarified aether?? So where does 'matter' come from in this
>rarified space? What is matter basically composed of?? Would this
>mysterious proto-matter be somehow related to dark matter? How does
>aether then relate to mass?

All energy is waves in the aether. Matter or mass is standing waves in
the aether while light and other e/m waves are travelling waves in the

>I do agree that matter exists as standing waves (wanted to say
>self-sustaining) but I think that matter is SUPPORTED and fed by the
>continual influx of aether into it.

I think that it is supported by the influx of wave energy into and out
of it, not the influx of aether. The rate of aether flow in relation to
matter is extremely small, at the Hubble rate only.

>I also think there is a bi-directional flow of aether, that which is
>aggregating by an implosive, magnetic force and that which is decaying
>via an explosive, electrical force.

I agree that it is bidirectional. I hadn't considered the suggestion
that it was magnetic one way and electrical the other but will think
about that. I usually think of the magnetic and electrical fields as
just different aspects of the aether movement, with magnetic being the
local rotation rate for instance.

>Keely indicates this push, pull and balance condition exists in all
>manifestations of force and energy. That new matter is pulling or
>providing a well that sucks in aether to grow, imploding onto a fixed
>point (his neutral center or combinations of them for aggregates) to
>create the new matter.

This is an example of what I meant when I said that what some people
call aether is what I call waves in the aether and what I call aether is
a deeper structure below that.

>The energy forms of electricity, magnetism, gravity and other energies
>are I think composed of frequencies beyond what our instruments can
>measure and these are children, lower frequencies of the parent base
>aether that creates and sustains the universe.

In my view the important frequencies are the Compton frequencies of
particles which are their actual wave oscillation frequencies. The
Compton frequencies of nucleons (p and n) are the most important ones
and are about 2.27*10^23 Hz. Definitely not directly measurable or able
to generated by us, but we can confirm these values in certain
experiments such as particle diffraction off crystal lattices and 2-slit

>The precipitation of the aether through a spectrum into the crystallized
>rigidity of matter is the result of the all-pervading aether pressure
>flowing into the very rarified areas you speak of.

>BECAUSE the aether flow into such a rarified area is so rapid and DENSE,
>it collides with itself to produce the multiplicity of standing waves in
>an aggregate we refer to as mass.

I think that the aether actually flows OUT of particles. What you call
aether and I call energy is indeed flowing in. However that is just
wave energy not the aether itself. As the energy of matter grows
(because gravity really does suck) very slowly over time we can observe
this as distant galaxies have redshifted light. This really tells us
that the frequencies and energies of particles were less in the distant

When energy flows in it creates more motion (because that is what energy
is) and this motion must expand the aether in the particle, just as a
hot gas expands or spinning object expands due to centrigigal forces.

>Interesting that Keely recognized these bi-directional and dual aether
>flows, calling the imploding force terrestrial and the exploding force

The waves going into every particle have come from all other particles
in the universe (in ptoportion to the inverse square of distance) and
the outgoing waves then become the ingoing waves to all other particles
at various times in the future, mostly billions of years later.

This calculation can be verified as the ~10^80 particles in the universe
have just the right size to cover the whole of the sky when their
average distance is allowed for, which is some 10^40 times the size of
the particles. Of course a continuous wave does not have a size, but
the inner wavelength is what we may consider to be the core of the
particle and is where most of the absorption occurs.

-- Ray Tomes -- --
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