Re: Soon to be High Speed Connections

Bob Paddock ( )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 19:31:03 -0400

>Have you heard of the new technology that transmits MEGABYTES of
>information?? I think it is IAML or something like that....and through
>regular phone lines!!
>GTE will be offering FREE ACCESS to their phone customers using this
>technology, to be tested in 15 states in the next few months.

You might be speaking of ASDL, (or HSDL, or Take-Your-Pick-of-Letter-SDL).

Asymmetrical Subscriber Digital Line, High Speed Digital
Line, Variable Rate SDL, ect.

It is not up to the "MEGABYTES" speeds yet realistically.
What the phone company is not telling you is that the speed
is distance related. Closer you are to your phone companies
closest digital demarcation point the faster you can expect.

You should be able to expect 300K at any time, 700K a lot of
the time, 1M some of the time ect.

All quick generalities. I can get you the specs if you want
them. The ASDL I studied up on used Wavelet Division
Multiplexing a couple of years ago, and I'm not sure if that
was the "standard" (a joke) that has been picked today.

>It is possible this requires fiber optic since they might have converted
>their phone lines to that. There was an ad on TV about it.

ASDL uses your normal copper lines.

>Damn, time to switch to GTE, right now, even in Dallas, it costs about
>$10 to $20 per month for would be bundled and
>blazingly fast. The wave of the future cometh.

Here we have GTE and until had to deal with the other
companies I thought they where the worst, but in reality
they are the best compared to how bad the others are. It
is my hope in the long term that the phone companies
strangle them selves under their own weight of bureaucracy.

I was at a meeting with the local cable company and expect
that we can get digital feed from them, where you can GET
megabytes of stuff, but you you still need to use the phone
line for your uplink data.

With ASDL you can still carrie on a voice call while
MODEMing if the Phone Company gets it right.

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