Re: New Title

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 04:22:33 -0500

Hi Folks!

I like the focus in these posts about taking it to the PEOPLE via their
POCKETBOOKS!!!!! Here are the comments about tax credits;
Should household or personal sustainability be the law?

From: Rafael Skovron, 10th grade
backyard tinkerer with free energy
Submit: Submit
Date: 14 Mar 1998


If every citizen was required by law to have a percentage of his energy
consumption produced by alternative energy, wouldn't the world be a
nicer place to live in? For example a family of four that has PV cells,
wind turbines,and a solar water heater on the roof; a solar water
distiller feeding a vegetable garden(and a family) on the ground; and a
sustainable lifestyle. This might seem expensive, but when you consider
the fact that the price of PV cells has dropped from 100 a watt to 3-4 a
watt in 15 years, and that a solar heater and desalinator is easy to
make, and a vegetable garden fertilized by compost...could save hundreds
in utility bills and make thousands more by retailing energy back to the
power supplier. All this with the help of gov't incentives could make
the U.S. the least wasteful of countries and the most sustainable, hence
the most powerful nation in the world.
Re: simple machines

From: Marcel Fortin Mattawa on.
Submit: Submit
Date: 09 Jan 1998


Simplicity is where it is at. The answer for clean renewable energy
machines lie in simplicity.I am in the process of building a prototype
of such a machine.It will be so simple and low tech that engineers may
have problems assessing there are no compliceted formulas or
calculous needed . I certainly am not trying to discredit engineers for
their efforts with nuclear power etc.etc. but such energies come at a
huge price for our future generations, Engineers continue to advance in
this field regardless of negative outcomes,;,.

The only incentive for these peoples must be
...bottom line their bank accounts.

When i get my prototype built, maybe one engineer out there will sway
from the present road to destruction and join me and my simple machines.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187