Re: Local Geophysical Resonances

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 02:21:22 -0500

Hi Ray!

You wrote;
> Another study found that the presence of ~3 Hz waves slows human
> reaction times while ~12 Hz speeds them up. It seems evident that
> these waves can entrain the brain and cause its clock to run at the
> wrong speed for controlling the body.

Interesting, never heard that before....but I know 10 hz is used to
electronically develop slow, power muscles like the back, while 100 hz
is used to develop 'fast' muscles like the arms and legs. Also, the
late Dr. Puharich told us when he was here years ago that cancer could
be induced by a signal in the range of 6 cycles per second.

You also wrote;
> To the extent that a cyclical basis can be established we might be
> able to avoiding getting on planes or boats or doing hazardous
> thinks.

Bizarre as hell, but if there are 'preponderances' that occur because of
wave interactions which will bias a certain type of event to occur, this
cycle business could be supremely useful....instead of astrologers,
we'll have 'cycle-masters'....<g>....

Have you seen the work of Terence McKenna and his time wave?? He claims
time is one wave that simply gets smaller as it approaches the 'strange
attractor' of the end times as in the Mayan date of 2012. He says the
SAME PATTERNS are repeated within EACH WAVE and that by understanding
and plotting this, you could use it to be forewarned of beneficial and
destructive periods...the duration of these, of course, becomes shorter
as the timewave gets smaller....supposedly based on chaos theories.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187