Local Geophysical Resonances

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 09 Apr 1998 23:03:53 -0500

Hi Folks!

Dan Davidson sent in this incredible report;

The Independent Catastrophes Investigation Center (ICIC) have organized
in Saint-Petersburg State Academy of Aerospace Instrumentation.

Professor Alexandre N. Siniakov is the supervisor and Chief of ICIC. At
present ICIC executes independent examination of the reasons of
technical crashes and natural disasters.

For these purposes ICIC uses new scientific approach to the analysis and
forecasting of catastrophes, based on a principle of A LOCAL GEOPHYSICAL

LGR is an unknown earlier fundamental phenomenon, reflecting a property
of physical (cosmic) space. It is displayed in the form of an
excitation of the physical space on a microlevel as a result of the
planets interaction of the Sun's system.

This excitation renders a strong influence on crystal and molecular
structures of physical objects - natural and technical, the effect also
occurs in living organisms.

Thus LGR causes to infringement of the normal proceedings of physical
processes in these objects. It is established that LGR is the reason of
natural disasters - earthquakes, typhoons, floods and other, and also
by the reason of technical crashes - air, marine and other.

The LGR phenomenon was discovered by Professor A. Siniakov about 10
years ago. At present algorithms and computer programs for an exact
account of a moment of a time and a zone of LGR are developed.

It permits one to evaluate precisely, whether a crash or disaster is
geophysically linked. The investigations have shown that LGR is the
reason in about 90 percents of all catastrophes.

ICIC intends to conduct an independent examination of all catastrophes,
the information about which will be published in the press or on the

ICIC invites cooperation from any scientists or specialists of all
countries, which are connected with the investigation or forecasting of
natural or technical catastrophes.

Prof. Alexandre N. Siniakov,
ICIC, S.Peterburg State Academy
Of Aerospace Instrumentation,
Ulitsa Bolshaya Morskaya, 67,
S.Peterburg, 190000, Russia
Fax: ( 812)312-28-71 or 315-77-78,
E-Mail: BOB@szcit.aanet.ru
Lily Kolisko discovered this effect way back in the early 1900's. She
attributes it to stresses recorded or induced in matter from stellar and
other cosmic sources.

Another Russian scientist, a Dr. Ivanov has done what I consider
incredible research into natural waves from matter which interfere with
waves from other matter, sometimes constructive, sometimes destructive
which, on a macro scale could also apply to this LGR phenomenon.

Bruce Cathie found an interesting relationship predicting when, where
and how high a nuclear blast could be carried out to yield the greatest

And in a book called 'Spontaneous Human Combustion' by Jennie Randles,
there is a comment about a fellow in England who claimed to have
developed a mathematical method of predicting when and where
'spontaneous combustion' events would most likely occur. He was
referring primarily to dirty rags and such, but Randles mentioned it as
a possible cause of the SHC phenomenon. The man is very secretive about
how he does it but has proven his ability time and again, according to

There are a lot of indications that there are waves or cycles which bias
the probability of certain actions to occur at certain times and

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187