Re: Hello Norm!

Norman Wootan ( )
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 22:54:04 -0500

Hi! Gerald: No, I didn't know you had moved. Regarding Joel, he is going
through a real tough time right now. His wife almost died recently and is not
out of the "woods" yet. Joel is spending as much time as possible with her.
Would be a kind jesture if you did write to him for he needs the moral support.
I have been reviewing the BBS message base from 1993 till 1995 and ran into so
many messages that you,I,Joel and Jerry had exchanged. There are so many good
ideas in those messages. We will be talking more real soon now that you are back
with the Net. No, Joel is real anti-Internet so I'll tell him you said Hi!

Gerald O'Docharty wrote:

> Norman Wootan wrote:
> >
> > Hi! Gerald: Good to hear from you again. Looks like the old Keelynet BBS
> > group may get back together for a re-union. If Jerry could have some sort
> > of Conference here in Dallas that would be great. Hint-hint! See ya on
> > the net. Norm
> >
> Hi Norm! Nice to hear from you as well! Have you spoken with Joel
> lately? I need to write to him. He doesn't know I moved yet. I guess I
> didn't tell you either did I? I'm in North Carolina now. Is Joel on the
> net yet? He didn't want to before, a bit of a Luddite in that regard.
> What is a radiac? I have been out of touch lately.
> -Gerald