Hello Norm!

Gerald O'Docharty ( (no email) )
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 18:51:07 -0400

Norman Wootan wrote:
> Hi! Gerald: Good to hear from you again. Looks like the old Keelynet BBS
> group may get back together for a re-union. If Jerry could have some sort
> of Conference here in Dallas that would be great. Hint-hint! See ya on
> the net. Norm

Hi Norm! Nice to hear from you as well! Have you spoken with Joel
lately? I need to write to him. He doesn't know I moved yet. I guess I
didn't tell you either did I? I'm in North Carolina now. Is Joel on the
net yet? He didn't want to before, a bit of a Luddite in that regard.
What is a radiac? I have been out of touch lately.